
Bi lahko obstajali filozofski kralji brez sveta idej?
ID Fatić, Arman (Author), ID Ciglenečki, Jan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ko razmišljamo o Platonovi filozofiji, večinoma pomislimo na njegove “filozofe kralje” in njegov “svet idej”. Ko začnemo razpravo o Platonovi napaki in izhajamo z vidika Nietzscheja, se zdi, da je največji problem, podedovan od Platona, ravno “svet idej”. Glede na to, da je osnova Platonovega nauka filozofija kot celota, se mi je porodilo vprašanje, kaj je s “filozofi kralji” in drugimi ljudmi, ki živijo v Državi. Ali nam Nietzsche na neki način nudi posodobitev te teme v delu Tako je govoril Zaratustra? Ali pa po zavrnitvi njegovega koncepta dualnosti dejansko ni nikoli preučil posledic Platonovega sistema? V diplomski nalogi bi rad to temo raziskal, pri čemer bom najprej predstavil Nietzschejeve misli iz dela Rojstvo tragedije iz duha glasbe in Somrak malikov, kot tudi osnovne pojme Platonovega iz njegovega dela Država. Dalje bi rad pokazal, kako bi na tri družbene ravni Države vplivala odsotnost “sveta idej”. Posledično bom lahko primerjal ugotovitve s tem, kar Nietzsche predstavlja v delu Tako je govoril Zaratustra.

Keywords:svet idej, filozofi kralji, Država, Platonova prispodoba votline, Tako je govoril Zaratustra
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138352 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2022
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Title:Could there be philosopher-kings without the world of ideas?
When the majority of us think about Plato's philosophy, we think about his “philosopher kings” and his “world of ideas”. Still, when we start the discussion where Plato went wrong, and approach it from the position of Nietzsche, it feels like the biggest issue that stayed afterwards was “the world of ideas”. As Plato's philosophy is meant to function as a whole, for me the question arises: what happens to “philosopher kings” and people living in Republic in general? Did Nietzsche in some sense offer us his update on this topic in Thus spoke Zarathustra or did he never look at consequences to Plato's system after rejecting his core “dualist” concept? In this work, I would like to explore this topic by first presenting Nietzsche's thoughts from The birth of Tragedy and Twilight of the Idols as well as presenting basic concepts by Plato, showcased in his book The Republic. After doing so, I would like to showcase how would the three societal levels of The Republic be affected in case there wasn't any “world of ideas”, just so I can, in the end, make a comparison of the results with what Nietzsche presents in Thus spoke Zarathustra.

Keywords:World of ideas, philosopher kings, Republic, Allegory of Cave, Thus spoke Zarathustra

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