
Navezanost, problematična raba socialnih omrežij in občutek osamljenosti pri otrocih : magistrsko delo
ID Kostanjšek, Urška (Author), ID Jerebic, Sara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu so obravnavane, raziskane in podrobneje predstavljene teme: navezanost, možgani, mladostništvo, družbena omrežja, zasvojenost in osamljenost. V teoretičnem delu je predstavljena navezanost, opisan je razvoj navezanosti in razložena je tehnika tuje situacije, predstavljeni so modeli navezanosti in kasnejši razvoj navezanosti v mladostništvu. V nadaljevanju so podrobneje predstavljeni človeški možgani in potek njihovega razvoja. Avtorica nadaljuje s temo mladostništva – podrobneje so opisane razvojne naloge v obdobju mladostništva in kako se oblikujejo odnosi z družino, vrstniki in drugimi odraslimi. Nadalje je podana opredelitev spletnih družbenih omrežij, njihov zgodovinski pregled in podrobnejša opredelitev pozitivnega in negativnega vpliva teh omrežij na življenje ljudi. Nato smo podrobneje opisali, kateri so dejavniki tveganja in katere so temeljne značilnosti zasvojenosti. Podrobneje je predstavljena nekemična ali vedenjska zasvojenost, le to pa smo povezali s spletnimi omrežji. Na koncu teoretičnega dela je predstavljen še občutek osamljenosti, podrobneje v povezavi s pretirano rabo družbenih omrežij. V teoretičnem delu smo vsako izmed podanih spremenljivk podrobneje raziskali v strokovni literaturi, v empiričnem delu pa smo raziskali, kaj lahko ugotovimo na populaciji slovenskih osnovnošolcev. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 273 učencev zadnjega triletja, od tega je bilo 93 učencev in 144 učenk. 7. razred je obiskovalo 55 učencev, 84 učencev je obiskovalo 8. razred in 98 učencev 9. razred. Poslužili smo se treh vprašalnikov; za merjenje navezanosti smo uporabili Vprašalnik navezanosti na starše in vrstnike (IPPA), osamljenost smo merili z Lestvico osamljenosti otrok (CLS), z Lestvico motenj v socialnih medijih (SMDS) pa smo ugotavljali zasvojenost s spletnimi družbenimi omrežji pri mladostnikih. Rezultati raziskave so ovrgli prvo hipotezo, da mladostnice poročajo o višji stopnji navezanosti na starše in vrstnike v primerjavi z mladostniki. Prav tako so rezultati ovrgli drugo hipotezo, da mladostnice pogosteje poročajo o občutkih osamljenosti v primerjavi z mladostniki. Raziskava je ovrgla hipotezo, da mladostniki poročajo o pogostejši problematični rabi družbenih omrežij kot mladostnice. Naša raziskava je potrdila, da obstaja negativna povezanost med navezanostjo in občutkom osamljenosti pri mladostnikih in mladostnicah. Prav tako je ovržena hipoteza, ki navaja negativno povezanost med navezanostjo na starše in problematično rabo spletnih družbenih omrežij pri mladostnikih in mladostnicah. Rezultati raziskave ovržejo tudi zadnjo hipotezo, ki trdi, da obstaja pozitivna povezanost med občutki osamljenosti in problematično rabo družbenih omrežij, saj je povezanost šibka.

Keywords:navezanost, mladostnik, družbena omrežja, zasvojenost, osamljenost, možgani
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana ; Maribor
Publisher:[U. Kostanjšek]
Number of pages:VIII, 89 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138299 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:115610883 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Attachment, problematic social media use, and loneliness in children
In the master's thesis deals the following topics are discussed, researched and presented in detail: attachment, the brain, adolescence, social networks, addiction and loneliness. In the theoretical part, attachment is introduced, the development of attachment is described, the technique of the alien situation is explained, the models of attachment and the subsequent development of attachment in adolescence are presented. The human brain and the course of its development are then discussed in more detail. The author continues with the topic of adolescence, describing in detail the developmental tasks in adolescence and the formation of family, peer, and adult relationships. A definition of online social networks, their historical overview, and a more detailed definition of the positive and negative impact of social networks on people's lives are also provided. Furthermore, social networks are described in detail, as well as the risk factors and the underlying characteristics of addiction. Non-chemical or behavioural addiction is presented in more detail, linking it to online networks. At the end of the theoretical part, the feeling of loneliness is presented, in more detail in relation to the excessive use of social networks. In the theoretical part, each of the variables presented was explored in more detail in the academic literature, while in the empirical part the findings on the population of Slovenian primary school students were researched. The study included 273 male students from the last triad, of which 93 were male and 144 female. The seventh grade was attended by 55 students, the eighth by 84 and the ninth by 98 students. Three questionnaires were used. The Inventory of parent and peer attachment (IPPA) was used to measure attachment, the Children's Loneliness Scale (CLS) was used to measure loneliness, and the Social Media Disorder Scale (SMDS) was used to determine online social network addiction in adolescents. The results of the study refuted the first hypothesis which claimed that adolescent females report higher levels of attachment to parents and peers compared to the adolescent males. The results also refuted the second hypothesis which claimed that more adolescent females report the feelings of loneliness more often compared to adolescent males. The study refuted the hypothesis which claims that more adolescent males report more frequent problematic use of social networks than adolescent females. Our study confirmed that there is a negative correlation between attachment and feelings of loneliness in adolescent males and females. The hypothesis which states there is a negative association between the attachment to parents and the problematic use of online social networks among adolescents is also rejected. The results of the study also refute the last hypothesis which states there is a positive relationship between the feelings of loneliness and the problematic use of social networks, as the relationship is weak.

Keywords:attachment, adolescent, social networks, addiction, loneliness, brain

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