
Branje ob terapevtskem psu
ID Doberšek, Živa (Author), ID Bešter Turk, Marja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rot Vrhovec, Alenka (Comentor)

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Branje je sporazumevalna dejavnost, ki je v šoli in v vsakdanjem življenju ključna. V učnem načrtu za slovenščino (2018) je branje pojmovano tudi kot priložnost za oblikovanje osebne in narodne identitete ter kot proces za širjenje obzorja. Zelo dobro je, da ga učenci zaznajo kot užitek v pridobivanju novih informacij. Vendar je proces razvijanja branja težko užitek, če imajo učenci pri tem težave. Poleg tega pa lahko razvijejo tudi negativna čustva o sebi – tako sta njihova samozavest in motivacija nižji. V Teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela smo predstavili branje kot eno od sporazumevalnih dejavnosti in dejavnike, ki vplivajo na razvijanje branja, ter faze/stopnje v njegovem razvoju. Nato smo opredelili prvine bralne zmožnosti (bralno tehniko in razumevanje prebranega) ter motivacijo za branje. V nadaljevanju smo predstavili tudi lastnosti terapevtskega psa in njegovega vodnika ter vlogo strokovne osebe pri terapiji. Posvetili smo se tudi možnosti dela s terapevtskim psom v šoli in predstavili program R.E.A.D., ki je glavni zgled naši raziskavi. V akcijsko raziskavo, katere rezultate prikazujemo v Empiričnem delu, smo vključili učenca in učenko 3. razreda, ki imata pri branju težave. S prisotnostjo terapevtskega psa na bralnih vajah smo želeli vplivati na izboljšanje bralne tehnike in razumevanje prebranega učenca in učenke ter na njuno motivacijo za branje, jima dvigniti samozavest in predstavo o sebi. Udeležila sta se osmih srečanj s terapevtskim psom in ob pomoči inkluzivne pedagoginje reševala različne bralne naloge. Rezultati preizkusa pred bralnimi srečanji s terapevtskim psom in po njih kažejo, da se je zvišala njuna motivacija za branje, izboljšala sta svojo samozavest in sliko o sebi. Izboljšala pa sta tudi bralno tehniko – boljša je bila tekočnost, natančnost in ritem branja. Vsak od njiju je napredoval v svojem tempu. Oba sta izboljšala tudi razumevanje prebranega. Pozitivne učinke dela s terapevtskim psom so opazili tudi starši, učiteljica in vodnica psa, s katerimi smo opravili intervju.

Keywords:terapevtski pes
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138231 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:115040259 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Reading with the help of a therapy dog
Reading is a communicative activity that is pivotal in school and everyday life. In the Curriculum for the Slovenian language (2018), reading is also conceived as an opportunity to form a personal and national identity and as a process for broadening horizons. It is desired that students will perceive it as enjoyment in gaining new information. However, the process of developing reading is difficult to enjoy if students have difficulty doing so. They may also develop negative feelings about themselves, so their self-confidence and motivation are lower. In the theoretical part of the master's thesis, we present reading as one of the communicative activities and factors that influence the development of reading, and the phases/stages in its development. We then identified elements of reading ability (reading technique and reading comprehension) and the motivation to read. Finally, we presented the characteristics of a therapy dog and its trainer, as well as the role of a professional in therapy. We also focused on the possibility of working with a therapy dog at school and presented the R.E.A.D. programme, which is the main example for our research. In the action research, the results of which are presented in the empirical part, we included two 3rd grade students who have difficulty reading. With the presence of a therapy dog in their reading exercises, we wanted to influence the improvement of students reading technique and understanding of what was read, as well as their motivation to read, and increase their self-confidence and self-image. They attended eight meetings with a therapy dog and, with the help of an inclusive teacher, solved various reading tasks. The results of the test before and after the reading meetings with the therapy dog show that their motivation to read increased, and that they improved their self-confidence and self-image. They also improved their reading technique – their fluency, accuracy and reading rhythm were better. Each of them progressed at their own pace. Both also improved their reading comprehension. In the interviews conducted, progress and positive effects were also noticed by the parents, teacher and dog trainer.

Keywords:therapy dog

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