
Uporaba tekočinske biopsije pri diagnostiki raka in sledenju bolezni
ID Kravanja, Aljaž (Author), ID Čemažar, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V onkološki diagnostiki in spremljanju rakavih bolezni dobivajo metode tekočinske biopsije vedno večji pomen. V primerih, ko zaradi anatomskih omejitev ali slabega stanja pacienta biopsije tumorskega tkiva niso možne, predstavlja biopsija krvnih biomarkerjev raka najboljšo možno alternativo za ugotovitev stanja pacienta, saj je odvzem krvi neinvaziven ter predvsem redno ponovljiv. Dodaten pomen tekočinskih biopsij je v tem, da omogočajo boljši vpogled v genetski profil raka ter tako pomagajo pri odločanju o terapiji pacienta. Krvni biomarkerji prav tako lahko pomagajo pri odkrivanju zasevkov, njihovih privatnih mutaciji in posledične prognoze pacienta, prav tako pa lahko veliko bolj natančno kot uveljavljene klinične metode predvidijo relaps zaradi minimalne rezidualne bolezni. Najvidnejši, ter klinično najbolj uporabljen biomarker je cirkulirajoča tumorska DNA (ctDNA), fragmenti nukleinskih kislin v krvi, ki izvirajo iz rakavih celic in v sebi nosijo podatke o genomu raka. Poleg ctDNA se pri tekočinskih biopsijah kot biomarker uporabljajo tudi cirkulirajoče tumorske celice (CTC) ter majhni ekstracelularni vezikli, eksosomi, katerih tovor lahko pove veliko o naravi bolezni. V diplomskem delu predstavljam ključne značilnosti biomarkerjev, tehnologije in metode za sledenje ter konkreten pomen tekočinske biopsije na primeru nedrobnoceličnih pljučnih karcinomov, skupine rakov, ki so zelo pogosti ter hkrati primerni za spremljanje s tekočinsko biopsijo.

Keywords:tekočinska biopsija, rak, cirkulirajoče tumorske celice, cirkulirajoča tumorska DNA, nedrobnocelični pljučni rak, onkologija, diagnostika
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Kravanja]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138152 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114946051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:12.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Use of liquid biopsy in cancer diagnostics and disease monitoring
Liquid biopsy of blood-based biomarkers in quickly gaining significance in oncological diagnostics and cancer monitoring. In cases where anatomical position of cancer or poor state of the patient limit the use of tumour tissue biopsy, liquid biopsy presents itself as the best alternative, due to its non-invasiveness and repeatability. An additional benefit of liquid biopsy is its ability to provide clinicians with a better insight into the genetic profile of cancer, thus helping with therapeutic decision-making. Blood-based biomarkers are also useful in discovery of metastatic disease, private mutations of secondary lesions and subsequent patient prognosis determining, while also being better at predicting relapse due to minimal residual disease than current methods. Most focus is currently on circulating tumour DNA as a biomarker. ctDNA are nucleic acid fragments in blood, originating from cancer cells, capable of providing us with the information about the cancer genome. Besides ctDNA, most prominent biomarkers are circulating tumour cells and exosomes. In my thesis i will present the crucial features of mentioned biomarkers, technologies and methods of liquid biopsy, as well as the meaning of liquid biopsy on the example of non-small cell lung carcinomas, a group of cancers that are both very common and also suitable for monitoring with liquid biopsy.

Keywords:liquid biopsy, cancer, circulating tumor cells, circulating tumor DNA, non-small cell lung carcinoma, oncology, diagnostics

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