
Diplomatski trikotnik med Svetim sedežem, Kitajsko in Tajvanom: Sodobni razvoj in posledice za Tajvan
ID Karničar, Carina (Author), ID Istenič, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo analizira diplomatski trikotnik med Svetim sedežem, Kitajsko in Tajvanom. Obravnava stališča teh treh akterjev, njihove diplomatske strategije in razvoj dogodkov med njimi ter na podlagi vsega naštetega poskuša oceniti, kakšne posledice bodo imeli ti dogodki v prihodnosti, zlasti za Tajvan. Sveti sedež si prizadeva za povezavo in svetovno mrežo vseh katoliških vernikov ter se vidi kot njihov zaščitnik v nestabilnih razmerah. Na Kitajskem je število katoliških vernikov veliko, vendar pa je sistem verske svobode restriktiven, zato si Sveti sedež prizadeva za vzpostavitev uradnih diplomatskih odnosov s Pekingom. Hkrati pa imata obe strani številna nasprotujoča si stališča, ki zaenkrat preprečujejo normalizacijo odnosov. Med njimi je najpomembnejše vprašanje o načinu imenovanja škofov, ki je odprto še do danes. Tajvan po drugi strani ponuja Svetemu sedežu in katoliški veri prijaznejše okolje, kar mu je omogočilo, da je postal središče katoliškega izobraževanja za kitajsko govoreče vernike. Sveti sedež ima s Tajvanom pomembne kulturne, izobraževalne in družbene vezi, zato upa, da jih bo ohranil tudi v primeru diplomatskega prehoda iz Tajpeja v Peking. Odkar je izgubil članstvo v Združenih narodih Tajvan doživlja vse večjo mednarodno izolacijo, zato je od takrat prilagodil svojo diplomatsko strategijo do te mere, da je spreten in izkušen pri izvajanju mednarodnih odnosov kljub pomanjkanju formalnih diplomatskih vezi. Kljub temu bi bila prekinitev uradnih diplomatskih vezi s Svetim sedežem za Tajvan velika izguba, saj je Sveti sedež zanj zadnja diplomatska postojanka na evropski celini. Odnosi med Svetim sedežem, Kitajsko in Tajvanom so torej medsebojno tesno povezani v trikotnik med tremi zelo različnimi akterji.

Keywords:Kitajska, Tajvan, Sveti sedež, diplomacija, diplomatski trikotnik, mednarodni odnosi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138077 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.07.2022
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Title:Diplomatic Triangle between the Holy See, China and Taiwan: Contemporary Developments and Implications for Taiwan
This paper analyses the diplomatic triangle between the Holy See, China and Taiwan. It deals with the three actors’ respective international positions, diplomatic strategies, and political developments. Based upon these, it attempts to make estimates on how these will have future implications especially for Taiwan. The Holy See aims to have a world-wide connection to and network with all Catholic believers and sees itself as the protector of the same in unstable conditions. As China has a substantial number of Catholic believers and a restrictive system regarding religious freedom, the Holy See strives to establish formal diplomatic relations with Beijing. At the same time the two sides have a number of conflicting perspectives preventing the normalization of their relations so far. Among those, the question on how bishops shall be appointed is the major one still to be resolved. Taiwan, on the other hand, offers a friendlier environment to the Holy See and Catholic religion which enabled it to become the centre of Catholic education for Chinese-speaking followers. Having substantial cultural, educational, and social ties with Taiwan, the Holy See hopes to retain those even if an event of a diplomatic switch from Taipei to Beijing occurs. Taiwan has been in a position of increasing international isolation since it lost its membership at the United Nations and has since then adapted its diplomatic strategy to a point, where it is experienced and skilled in navigating its international relations despite the lack of formal diplomatic ties. Nonetheless, ceasing official, diplomatic ties with the Holy See as its last diplomatic outpost on the European continent would still be a major loss to Taiwan. Thus, the relations between the Holy See, China and Taiwan are an interrelated triangle between three very different players.

Keywords:China, Taiwan, the Holy See, diplomacy, diplomatic triangle, international relations

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