
Vpliv programa FIFA 11+ na telesno zmogljivost mladih odbojkaric : magistrsko delo
ID Jović, Lana (Author), ID Vauhnik, Renata (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Rugelj, Darja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Odbojka je eden od najpopularnejših ženskih športov v svetu. Je šport, ki ga sestavlja kompleksno in hitro gibanje ter ga spremlja visoka incidenca za poškodbe, ki so najpogostejše pri adolescentnih odbojkaricah. FIFA 11+ program je dokazano učinkovit v zmanjšanju incidence poškodb med mladimi športniki, na populaciji mladih nogometašev in košarkarjev pa se je izkazal kot učinkovit tudi za izboljšanje različnih elementov telesne zmogljivosti. Namen: Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti kako ogrevanje s FIFA 11+ programom vpliva na telesno zmogljivost mladih odbojkaric v primerjavi s skupino, ki je izvajala standardno športno ogrevanje. Zanimal nas je vpliv na ravnotežje, višino vertikalnega skoka ter hitrost teka s spremembo smeri. Metode dela: V intervencijski skupini je bilo vključenih 29, v kontrolni pa 23 preiskovank, starih med 12 in 18 let. V intervencijski skupini smo 12 tednov izvajali ogrevanje s programom FIFA 11+, medtem ko se je kontrolna skupina ogrevala z običajnim odbojkarskim ogrevanjem. Merili smo ravnotežje z Y testom; višino skoka iz odbojkarskega zaleta ter skok z mesta v blok, merjeno z orodjem Vertec; ter hitrost teka s spremembo smeri in pospeškom. Meritve smo izvedli pred in po 12 tedenski intervenciji. Rezultati: Znotraj FIFA 11+ skupine smo zabeležili statistično pomembne razlike med prvo meritvijo in meritvijo po 12 tednih izvajanja FIFA 11+ programa pri vseh spremenljivkah razen pri ravnotežju z dosegom noge v anteriorno smer, med skupinama pa smo zabeležili statistično in klinično pomembno razliko le pri spremenljivki teka s spremembo smeri (p=0,04). Statistični pomembnosti smo se približali pri odrivu v odbojkarskem napadu (p=0,052), v katerem je interval zaupanja vseboval tako nepomembne, kot tudi statistično pomembne razlike. Statistični pomembnosti smo se približali tudi pri postero-lateralni komponenti Y testa na dominantnem udu (p=0,09), kjer smo zabeležili statistično pomembne razlike v izboljšanju dosega znotraj intervencijske (p<0,001) in kontrolne skupine (p=0,0014). Statistično pomembne razlike znotraj obeh skupin smo zabeležili tudi v postero-lateralni komponenti Y testa na nedominantnem udu ter v postero-medialni smeri na dominantnem udu. Razprava in zaključek: Statistično pomembno razliko v hitrosti teka s spremembo smeri lahko pripišemo vajam v FIFA 11+ programu, ki izboljšujejo tehniko sprinta ter sprinta s spremembo smeri ter vajam za povečevanje zmogljivosti mišic spodnjega uda, ki so ključne za izboljšanje hitrosti teka. Razlike med skupinama v izboljšanju odriva ter izboljšanju ravnotežja morda obstajajo, vendar jih zaradi premajhnega vzorca ter preširokih intervalov zaupanja nismo uspeli dokazati. V prihodnjih raziskavah bi bilo potrebno vključiti več preiskovank ter poleg dolgoročnega, celo-sezonskega vpliva programa na telesno zmogljivost, raziskati tudi vpliv, ki ga ima program na samo izboljšanje tehnike gibanja, kar je tudi njegov primarni cilj.

Keywords:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, FIFA 11+, odbojka, adolescentne odbojkarice, mlade odbojkarice, ravnotežje, odriv, tek s spremembo smeri
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Jović]
Number of pages:33 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137994 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114640899 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of FIFA 11+ program on physical performance of young volleyball players : master thesis
Introduction: Volleyball is one of the most popular female sports in the world. It is a sport that consists of complex, fast movements, and a high injury incidence that is most frequent in adolescent female volleyball players. The FIFA 11+ program is proven to efficiently lower the incidence of injuries among youth athletes and has been efficient in improving different areas of physical performance in the population of youth soccer and basketball players. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to determine how warming up with the FIFA 11+ program affects the physical performance of young volleyball players compared to the group that performed a standard warm-up routine. We were interested in the impact on balance, vertical jump, and speed of running with change of direction. Methods: The intervention group included 19 test subjects; the control group included 23 subjects. In both groups the subjects were between 12 and 18 years old. The intervention group performed the FIFA 11+ program as a warm-up for 12 weeks, the control group was using a regular volleyball warm-up routine. We measured balance with the Y balance test, the vertical jump height of the volleyball spike approach jump and a static block jump with a Vertec device, and the speed of change-of-direction and acceleration test. The measurements were taken before and after the 12-week intervention period. Results: We have found statistically significant differences in the intervention group after the 12 week intervention in all variables except the anterior foot reach of the Y balance test. The only statistically and clinically significant difference between the groups was the change of direction and acceleration variable (p=0,04). We approached statistical significance in the intervention group in the volleyball spike approach (p=0,052), where the confidence interval included statistically significant and insignificant results. Statistical significance was also approached for the postero-lateral component of the Y test on the dominant limb (p = 0,09), where we recorded statistically significant differences within the intervention (p <0,001) and control group (p = 0,0014). Statistically significant differences within both groups were also observed in the postero-lateral component of the Y test on the non-dominant limb and in the postero-medial direction on the dominant limb. Discussion and conclusion: Statistically significant difference in the speed of sprint with change of direction could be due to exercises targeting improvement in sprints and change of direction technique and lower limb muscle strengthening exercises in the FIFA 11+ warm-up routine. It is possible the differences between the two groups exist, but we have not been able to prove them due to a too small sample size and too wide confidence intervals. Future studies should include more subjects and examine long-term whole-season effect of the program on the players' physical fitness as well as the effect of the program on movement techniques, which is the program's primary goal.

Keywords:master's theses, physiotherapy, FIFA 11+, volleyball, adolescent female volleyball players, young volleyball players, balance, vertical jump, sprint with change of direction

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