
Interferenčni barvni filtri za sončne celice
ID AGNIČ, ROK (Author), ID Krč, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem svetu je prilagodljivost in široka izbira izdelkov eden izmed ključnih dejavnikov pri nakupu. Skozi leta so proizvajalci v najrazličnejših panogah ponujali vedno več izbire pri nakupu in personalizaciji izbranega izdelka. Tudi v fotovoltaiki (PV) je razvoj sončnih celic in PV modulov v različnih smereh, vendar se je šele v zadnjem desetletju za-čelo posvečati več pozornosti tudi samemu izgledu PV modulov. V sklopu diplomske naloge sem se posvetil izzivu, kako spreminjati barvo sončne celice. Naloga diplomske naloge je bila načrtati in izdelati interferenčne filtre za dosego želenih barv, obenem pa s čim manjšimi odbojnostnimi izgubami na račun izgleda, saj je filter namenjen za aplikacijo na sončno celico, v našem primeru na perovskitno sončno celico. V prvem delu diplomske naloge je razložen način delovanja in postopek načrtovanja interferenčnega barvnega filtra. Drugi del naloge, ki predstavlja glavni del diplome, je namenjen simulacijam dveh vrst interferenčnih filtrov z različnimi debelinami plasti, v obeh primerih za dosego želenih barv: rdeče, modre in zelene. Posvetil sem se analizam različnih struktur filtrov na steklu, njihovim karakteristikam pri različnih pogojih osvetlitve in simulacijam perovskitnih sončnih celic na katere so bili aplicirani barvni filtri. Raziskoval sem tudi rešitev težav katere se pojavijo pri spremembi barve gladkih filtrov pri ne pravokotnem vpadu svetlobe z uporabo hrapavih površin. Zadnji del diplomske naloge je namenjen praktičnim meritvam izdelanega interferenčnega filtra ter meritvam odziva perovskitne celice z njim. Pomerjena je bila optična odbojnost in prepustnost barvnega filtra. Za tem je bila na celici pomerjena tokovno-napetostna karakteristika perovskitne celice z in brez filtra in zunanji kvantni izkoristek, na koncu je bil pomerjen še faktor EQE.

Keywords:interferenčni filter, QW-filter, 3QW-filter, simulacija, perovskitna sončna celica, refleksija, transmisija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137983 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:114281475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Interference colour filters for solar cells
In today's world, flexibility and a wide choice of products is one of the key factors in purchasing. Over the years, manufacturers in a wide range of industries have offered more and more choice in purchasing and personalising the product of their choice. In photovoltaics (PV), the development of solar cells and PV modules has also gone in different directions, but it is only in the last decade that more attention has started to be paid to the appearance of the PV modules themselves. As part of my thesis, I focused on the challenge of changing the colour of a solar cell. The task of the thesis was to design and build an interference colour filter that matches the target colour, while minimising the loss in solar cell performance. The first part of the thesis explains the operation and design of the interference colour filter. The second part of the thesis, which constitutes the main part of the thesis, is devoted to simulations of two types of interference filters, both for red, blue and green colour, with different layer thicknesses. We design and analyse the different filter structures on glass, their characteristics under different illumination conditions were carried out. A solution to the problems encountered in the colour of smooth filters under non-perpendicular incidence of light is also researched. The last part of the thesis is devoted to practical measurements of the designed interference filter and to measurements of the response of a perovskite cell with it. The optical reflectance and transmittance of the colour filter were measured. The current-voltage characteristic of the perovskite cell with and without the filter and the external quantum efficiency were then measured on the cell.

Keywords:interference filter, QW-filter, 3QW-filter, simulation, perovskite solar cell, reflection, transmission

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