
Posebnosti ginekološkega pregleda pri ženskah s fizično invalidnostjo in vloga medicinske sestre : diplomsko delo
ID Luk, Ines (Author), ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mlinar, Suzana (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Ginekološki pregled je izkušnja skoraj vsake ženske, ki pa je lahko zanjo stresen dogodek. Medicinska sestra je tista, ki mora zagotoviti informiranost o samem poteku pregleda, da ženskam daje občutek varnosti in lagodja. Tudi ženske, ki so gibalno ovirane, rabijo ustrezno ginekološko obravnavo. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti posebnosti ginekološkega pregleda pri ženskah s fizično invalidnostjo in vlogo medicinske sestre. Cilj diplomskega dela je raziskati, kako ženske s fizično invalidnostjo doživljajo ginekološki pregled, kakšno vlogo ima medicinska sestra pred, med in po ginekološkem pregledu žensk s fizično invalidnostjo ter katera znanja/aktivnosti bi morala medicinska sestra usvojiti oziroma pridobiti, da bi delo opravljala kompetentno. Metode: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna metoda s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Iskanje literature je potekalo preko spletnega portala DiKUL, v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, ScienceDirect, COBIB.SI, Medline/PubMed, in sicer s pomočjo naslednjih ključnih besed: »ginekološki pregled/gynecological examination IN/AND fizična invalidnost/physical disability«, »ginekološki pregled/gynecological examination IN/AND medicinska sestra/nurse«, »ginekološki pregled/gynecological examination IN/AND zdravstvena nega/nursing«, »ginekološki pregled/gynecological examination IN/AND babica/midwife«. Iskanje literature smo opravili v časovnem obdobju od marca 2021 do aprila 2022. Rezultati: Ženske s fizično invalidnostjo se pogosto soočajo z ovirami, ki nastanejo, kadar ženska obišče ginekološko ambulanto. Nepravilni pristop, pomanjkanje znanja zdravstvenega osebja, nedostopnost prostorov, strah, bolečina med samim pregledom lahko privedejo do tega, da bodo ženske s fizično invalidnostjo v prihodnje odklonile ginekološki pregled. Razprava in zaključek: Ginekološki pregled je pomemben del celostne obravnave, ki jo je treba zagotoviti vsem ženskam s kakršnokoli invalidnostjo. Z vidika gibalno oviranih žensk že samo nedostopna miza nakazuje na to, da zdravstvena skupnost stigmatizira in zavrača potrebe te populacije po ginekološki zdravstveni obravnavi. Učinkovita verbalna in neverbalna komunikacija je bistvena sestavina zdravstvene nege žensk, ki jo medicinska sestra nudi ženskam s fizično invalidnostjo. Zadovoljstvo žensk z ginekološko obravnavo je konkretno merilo za vrednotenje kakovosti zdravstvene nege.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, ginekološki pregledi, fizična invalidnost, medicinske sestre, babice
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[I. Luk]
Number of pages:38 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137909 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113984771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Particularities of gynecological examination at women with physical disabilities and the role of the nurse : diploma work
Introduction: Gynecological examination is an experience of almost every woman, which can be a stressful event for a woman. It is the nurse who must provide information about the course of the examination to give the woman a sense of safe and comfort. Even a woman with a physical disability needs appropriate gynecological treatment. Purpose: The purpose of this diploma is to present the specifics of gynecological examination in women with physical disabilities and the role of the nurse. The aim of the diploma is to investigate experiences women with physical disabilities of gynecological examination, what is the role of the nurse before, during and after gynecological examination of women with physical disabilities and what knowledge / activities could nurse acquire or acquire to perform work competently. Methods: A descriptive method was used with a review of professional and scientific literature in Slovene and English. We used the portal of the Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana (DiKUL) to search for literature. We searched in the CINAHL, ScienceDirect, COBIB.SI, Medline / PubMed databases, using the following keywords: »gynecological examination AND physical disability«, »gynecological examination AND nurse«, »gynecological examination AND nursing«, »gynecological examination AND midwife«. A search of the literature was conducted in the period from March 2021 to April 2022. Results: Women with physical disabilities often face barriers that arise when a woman seeks gynecological care. Improper approach, lack of knowledge of medical staff, unavailability of premises, fear, pain during the examination itself can lead to a woman with a physical disability refusing a gynecological examination in the future. Discussion and conclusion: Gynecological examination is an important part of the comprehensive treatment that should be provided to all women with any kind of disability. From the point of view of a woman with reduced mobility, the inaccessible table alone represents that the health community stigmatizes and rejects the needs of this population for gynecological medical treatment. Effective verbal and nonverbal communication is an essential component of women’s nursing care provided to women with physical disabilities. Women's satisfaction with gynecological treatment is a concrete criterion for evaluating the quality of nursing care.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, gynecological examinations, physical disability, nurses, midwifes

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