E-participation is a way for citizens to participate through information and communication
technology to influence important decisions on local issues. In this study, we investigated which
e-tools municipalities use to provide citizens with the opportunity to participate
through their websites. A similar research was conducted back in 2013, and we wanted to know if
the situation has changed with the development of information and communication
technology. We analysed the websites of Slovenian municipalities and tabulated the e-tools
(e-survey, e-forum, e-access, e-mail and others), and then presented the data in different ways.
This showed an improvement compared to 2013, but there is still much room for development in this
area. It was noted that all municipalities have a website, they provide e-access and an email
address. These basic requirements are also set out in the 2003 Strategy for the introduction
of e-business in local self-governments. However, the most positive changes were observed in
the electronic survey tool, where we found that 140 municipalities offer an electronic
survey on their website. In the 2013 research, only 38 municipalities offered this
tool. The use of e-tools in Slovenian municipalities is important for both
municipalities and their citizens, as this is the way e- democracy is implemented in local
self-government. The results show that municipalities are more or less involved in cooperation with
citizens, which can motivate them to make future improvements. The active participation of citizens
in the use of e-tools is also crucial, because without it, e-tools will not achieve their purpose.