
Ortotična oskrba psov z deformacijo zapestnega sklepa : diplomsko delo
ID Krčelj, Gaia (Author), ID Lampe, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlović, Monika (Comentor), ID Levec, Tina (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Obstaja več razvojnih motenj kosti, ki povzročajo deformacije okončin pri psih. Lahko so prirojene/dedne, travmatske ali posledica pomanjkljive prehrane. V primeru deformacije ali zelo obsežne poškodbe, ki se je s kirurškim posegom ne da rešiti tako, da bi lahko živali povrnili čim bolj normalno hojo, je treba narediti ortozo. Ortoze so medicinski pripomočki, ki služijo za podporo in poravnavo deformacij. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je po meri izdelati ortoze za dva psa z deformacijo v zapestnem sklepu, predstaviti postopek izdelave teh ortoz ter ugotoviti njihovo učinkovitost. Metode dela: Diplomsko delo temelji na praktičnem delu, ki je vključevalo odvzem mere za izdelavo ortoz, meritve okončin, izdelavo dveh ortoz za oba psa ter preizkus in primerjavo učinkovitosti pripomočkov med seboj. Mero smo odvzeli z mavčenjem. Sledilo je opravljanje meritev obsegov in dolžin prednjih okončin. Po izdelavi in obdelavi mavčnega modela smo oblikovali samo ortozo. Uporabili smo polietilen, poliuretan, nizkotemperaturno termoplastiko, plastazot, gumo ter velkro trakove. Po končnem preizkusu in popravkih na ortozah je sledila vizualna ocena hoje ter predaja pripomočka lastnikom z navodili za uporabo. Na podlagi poročanja lastnikov psov po enomesečnem preizkusu ortoze ter mnenja veterinarja smo ocenili, ali je nadaljnja uporaba pripomočka smiselna in varna. Rezultati: Oba psa sta en mesec uporabljala polietilensko ortozo, saj se je po obliki ter sestavnih delih izkazala za primernejšo. Toda naša uspešnost ni bila popolna, saj je po poročanju lastnikov in končnem mnenju veterinarja redno uporabo ortoze nadaljeval le eden izmed dveh psov. Razprava in zaključek: Zaradi vse večje vključenosti živali v naša življenja so jim lastniki pripravljeni omogočati tudi zahtevnejša zdravljenja ter različne pripomočke za njihovo normalno gibanje. Cilj ortotične oskrbe je zagotoviti boljšo kakovost življenja, pomagati preprečiti nadaljnjo deformacijo sklepov, povečati stopnjo aktivnosti in ohraniti sposobnost izvajanja vsakodnevnih aktivnosti bivanja. Slednje so le delno potrdili naši rezultati, saj očitno z ortotično oskrbo ne moremo rešiti vse obstoječe deformacije. Na učinkovitost oskrbe kljub ustreznosti pripomočka vplivajo še ostali dejavniki, kot so starost psa, njegov značaj in prilagodljivost ter zahtevnost deformacije ali patologije.

Keywords:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, živali, psi, pasje opornice, zapestne ortoze
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[G. Krčelj]
Number of pages:28 str., [2] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137835 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113640707 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Orthotic management of dogs with wrist joint deformity : diploma work
Introduction: There are several developmental disorders of the bones that cause limb deformities in dogs. They can be congenital / hereditary, traumatic or a consequence of poor nutrition. In the case of a deformity or a very extensive injury that cannot be resolved by surgery so that the animals can regain as normal movement as possible, an orthosis is made. Orthoses are medical devices that serve to support and correct deformities. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to custom-make orthoses for two dogs with a wrist joint deformity, to present the process of making these orthoses and to determine their effectiveness. Methods: The thesis is based on practical work, which included taking the measurements for making orthoses, measuring limbs, making two orthoses for both dogs, and testing and comparing the effectiveness of the devices with each other. We took the measures by casting. This was followed by measurements of the circumferences and length of the forelimbs. After making and processing the model, we designed the orthosis. We used polyethylene, polyurethane, low-temperature thermoplastic, plastazote, rubber, and velcro straps. After the final test and corrections on the orthoses, we conducted a visual assessment of walking and handed over the devices with instructions. Based on reporting by dog owners after a one-month orthosis test, and a veterinarian's opinion, we assessed whether continued use of the device is reasonable and safe. Results: Both dogs used a polyethylene orthosis for one month, as it proved to be the most suitable in terms of shape and components. However, our goals were not fully reached, as according to the owners and the final opinion of the veterinarian, only one of the two dogs continued to use the orthosis regularly. Discussion and conclusion: Due to the increasing involvement of animals in our lives, the owners are ready to provide them with more demanding treatments and various aids to enable them normal movement. The goal of orthotic care is to ensure a better quality of life, help prevent further joint deformities, increase the level of activity, and maintain the ability to perform daily living activities. That was only partially confirmed by our results, as obviously not every case of deformity can be solved with orthosis. Despite the suitability of the device, the effectiveness of care is influenced by other factors, such as the age of the dog, its character and adaptability, the complexity of the deformity or pathology.

Keywords:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, animals, dogs, canine splints, wrist orthoses

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