
Problem korupcije v športu na primeru organizacije svetovnih prvenstev v nogometu : diplomsko delo
ID Šumrada, Anže (Author), ID Durnik, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu smo ugotovili kaj je problem korupcije v športu na primeru organizacije svetovnega prvenstva v Rusiji leta 2018 in Katarju leta 2022. Uspešno preprečevanje korupcije v športu je potrebno za transparentnost in dobro upravljanje v nogometu. Šport je lahko zelo donosen za nekatere funkcionarje in uradnike v organizacijah, ki se ukvarjajo z organizacijo večjih tekmovanj. Svetovna prvenstva so največji dogodek, ki so izvedena vsake štiri leta in prinesejo FIFI (fra. Fédération internationale de football association) največ denarja. Posledično le-ta privabijo tudi največ navijačev in so globalno podprti dogodki za večje medijske hiše. Vpliv korupcije je v nogometu zelo težko dokazljiv, saj se dokazi v večini primerov izbrišejo oziroma niso zapisani v pisni ali digitalni obliki. Za preprečitev korupcije je potrebno pošteno sedelovanje med večjimi organizaciji. Za učinkovito doseganje rezultatov pri raziskovalnih vprašanjah smo med seboj povezovali korporativno dobro upravljanje in korporativno družbeno odgovornost. S tem smo prišli do rezultatov v zvezi z določenimi nogometnimi pravili in kodeksi ter kršitvami v nogometni organizaciji. S komperativno metodo in analizo podatkov smo primerjali svetovni prvenstvi v Katarju in Rusiji. Ugotovili smo, da je korupcija v nogometu vedno bolj prisotna. Do tega prihaja zaradi politike FIFE in njenih zakonov, ki ji omogoča delo po lastni presoji, kar privede do pomankanja preglednosti. Največ odgovornosti za nepravilnosti pripisujemo predsedniku FIFE in posledično tudi FIFI-nim funkcionarjem, saj so prav oni tisti, ki imajo pri sprejemanju odločitev največ avtonomije. Za uspešno poslovanje, bi morali vsi voditi organizacijo transparentno in v skladu s pravicami poštenega poslovanja in nogometa.

Keywords:šport, nogomet, korupcija, FIFA, svetovna prvenstva v nogometu, Katar, Rusija, Sepp Blatter, Mohammed bin Hammam, korporativno upravljanje, družbena odgovornost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FU - Faculty of Administration
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Šumrada]
Number of pages:X, 71 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137702 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113065475 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Problem of corruption in sport based on the World Cup organisation in football
The thesis discovers the problem of corruption in sport based on the example of the organisation of the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. Preventing corruption is necessary to achieve transparency and good management in football. Sport can increase the profit of some officials in companies which deal with organisation of major competitions. The world championship is the biggest event that takes place every four years and brings FIFA (Fr. Fédération Internationale de Football Association) the highest amount of money. Consequently, the World Cup attracts a large number of fans and is a globally covered event by every major media agency. The effect of corruption in football is difficult to prove as the evidence is in most cases deleted or it is not documented in written or digital form. Cooperation of major organisations is necessary to prevent corruption. To get effective results for the research questions, the thesis connects the principles of good corporative management and corporative social responsibility. Combining the two, the thesis presents the outcomes in connection to the code and certain rules in football as well as the violations in football organisations. With the comparative method and the analysis of data, the thesis contrasts the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia and the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. We have found that corruption is increasingly present in football. This is due to FIFA’s policy and its laws, which allow It to work at its final discretion, leading to a lack of scrutiny. We attribute most of the responsibility for irregularities to the president of FIFA and consequently to FIFA officials, as they are the ones who have the most autonomy in decision-making. For successful business, everyone should run the organization transparently and in accordance with the rights of fair bussines and football.

Keywords:sport, football, corruption, FIFA, world football championships, Qatar, Russia, Sepp Blatter, Mohammed bin Hammam, corporative management, social responsibility

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