
Vpliv lastnosti hipromeloze in velikosti delcev slabo topne učinkovine na hitrost sproščanja iz dvoplastnih ogrodnih tablet s tehnologijo direktnega stiskanja
ID Žnidarič, Mitja (Author), ID Janković, Biljana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Dvoplastne tablete so trdne peroralne oblike, sestavljene iz ene ali več učinkovin, ki se nahajajo skupaj v isti plasti ali ločeno po plasteh, pri čemer je kinetika sproščanja iz vsake plasti za vsako učinkovino lahko ista ali različna; sproščanje je lahko takojšnje ali prirejeno. Najpogosteje uporabljeni dostavni sistemi za doseganje podaljšanega sproščanja so hidrofilni ogrodni sistemi, ki največkrat kot polimer vsebujejo hipromelozo. Sproščanje učinkovine iz tablet poteka preko difuzije in erozije ali kombinacije le teh. Hitrost omenjenih procesov je pogojena z nabrekanjem polimera, hitrostjo nastanka gelske plasti ter gelsko strukturo, na katere imajo pomemben vpliv lastnosti izbranega polimera. V predstavljeni nalogi smo spremljali hitrost sproščanja slabo topne učinkovine iz plasti s takojšnjim in prirejenim sproščanjem, pri čemer smo se osredotočili predvsem na plast s prirejenim sproščanjem. Cilj magistrske naloge je bilo vrednotenje vpliva velikosti delcev modelne učinkovine na sproščanje iz obeh plasti dvoplastnih tablet. Dodatno smo vrednotili vpliv s funkcionalnostjo povezanih lastnosti hipromeloze na hitrost sproščanja iz plasti s prirejenim sproščanjem. Vplive smo preučevali z uporabo dveh različnih naprav, in sicer s pomočjo USP 2 v kalijevem fosfatnem pufru pH 6,8 ter USP 3 v dvostopenjskem testu z kislo in puferno fazo. Ugotovili smo, da slednja boljše ločuje posamezne formulacije med seboj oz. ima večjo diskriminatorno moč. Z uporabo metode z USP 2 v kalijevem fosfatnem pufru pH 6,8 smo ugotovili, da na sproščanje učinkovine iz plasti s podaljšanim sproščanjem od lastnosti hipromeloze najbolj vplivata viskoznost in delež hidroksipropoksi skupin. Z višanjem viskoznosti hipromeloze profil upočasnjujemo, medtem ko se z višanjem deleža hidroksipropoksi skupin profil pohitri. Velikost delcev hipromeloze v tej metodi nima značilnega pomena na profil sproščanja. Pri sproščanju učinkovine iz dvoplastnih tablet je metoda z USP 3 (v dvostopenjskem testu z kislo in puferno fazo) pokazala, da višanje deleža hipromeloze v sestavi rezultira v upočasnjenem sproščanju, manjšanje velikosti delcev modelne učinkovine v plasti s takojšnjim sproščanjem pa profil pohitri. Z metodo z USP 2 v kalijevem fosfatnem pufru pH 6,8 razlik v sproščanju na vzorcih izdelanih z različno velikostjo delcev v plasti s takojšnjim sproščanjem nismo zaznali, smo pa potrdili vpliv upočasnjenega sproščanja pri višanju deleža hipromeloze. Z uporabo obeh metod smo ugotovili, da tako lastnosti hipromeloze, kot tudi velikost delcev modelne učinkovine značilno vplivajo na sproščanje iz tablet. Rezultati pridobljeni z metodo z recipročnimi cilindri (v dvostopenjskem testu z kislo in puferno fazo) korelirajo z in-vivo rezultati.

Keywords:Hidrofilni ogrodni sistemi, dvoplastne tablete, hipromeloza, slabo topna učinkovina, test sproščanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137608 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of hypromellose properties and particle size distribution of poorly soluble drug on dissolution rate from matrix tablets with direct compression
Bilayer tablets are peroral formulations, which consist of one or more drugs formulated together in one or both layers or kept separately in different layers. Each drug may exert its individual release rate, which can be either immediate and/or modified, depending on the selection of excipients. Hydrophilic matrices are the most commonly used drug delivery systems for sustained release and the most frequently used polymer is hypromellose. Drug release from such tablets occurs via diffusion and erosion or combination of them. The rate and extent of drug release strongly depend on polymer selection and its properties such as polymer swelling, gel formation and gel structure. This focus of this paper was observation of drug release from a poorly soluble drug from both immediate release as well as modified release layer, while focusing mainly on modified release layer. The aim of this master’s thesis was to evaluate the influence of poorly soluble drug particle size distribution on drug release from both layers of bilayer tablet. Additionally influence of functionality-related characteristics of hypromellose on drug release from modified layer was evaluated. Dissolution testing was carried out using USP 2 in potassium phosphate buffer pH 6,8 and USP 3 in two-stage test with acid and buffer phase. The later method was found to better differentiate between formulations i.e. its discriminatory power is greater. Dissolution results obtained with USP 2 in potassium phosphate buffer pH 6,8 indicate that viscosity and degree of hydroxypropoxy substituted hypromellose significantly influence drug release. Using a more viscous polymer results in slower dissolution profile, whereas higher content of hydroxypropoxy groups in the polymer cause an increase in dissolution rate. Particle size distribution of hypromellose has no significant influence on drug release using USP 2 method. The use of USP 3 (two-stage test with acid and buffer phase) displayed substantially faster drug release from bilayer tablet samples prepared with different particle size distribution of drug substance in immediate release layer and significantly slower drug release in samples with increased amount of hypromellose. No influence of particle size distribution was observed with use of USP 2 (in potassium phosphate buffer pH 6,8), while the method confirmed slower drug release from samples with increased hypromellose amount. Using both methods in our evaluation we concluded that both hypromellose properties and particle size distribution of model drug substance significantly influence drug release. It was also confirmed that results from method using USP 3 (two stage test with acid and buffer phase) have good correlation with in-vivo results.

Keywords:Hydrophilic matrix system, bi-layer tablets, hypromellose, low solubility drug, dissolution testing

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