In the Alps, systematic measurements of large woody debris have been carried out in the upper course of the Radovna, Triglavska Bistrica and Završnica streams. The diameter and length of individual pieces of wood in the channel and a 10 m buffer along the channel were measured. To analyse the distribution characteristics of the large woody debris, all pieces were located using a mobile GIS application and an external GNSS receiver. Pieces with a minimum length of 0.5 m and a minimum diameter of 10 cm were included in the survey. Other parameters such as the degree of decomposition, the origin of the large woody debris, the position in relation to the channel and whether the woody debris is logging residue were also assessed. A total of 18,633km of stream sections and 2937 pieces of large woody debris were inventoried. The total volume of all pieces collected was 196.35 m3. The average density of woody debris per 100 m of channel was estimated at 15.8 pieces or 1.05 m3. The results show that large woody debris occurs unevenly in the channel and on its slopes. Large woody debris is incorporated into the watercourse due to the effects of bank erosion, natural tree dieback processes and weather events such as snowfall, windstorm and ice storm. The predominant pieces of large woody debris material are of higher decomposition class. Large woody debris is not removed from the streams and slopes, leaving it to the natural processes of relocation, decay and decomposition. Unremoved large wood debris represent risk for flood control.