
Destigmatizacija tetoviranja v digitalni kulturi: izkušnje in prakse mladih žensk : izkušnje in prakse mladih žensk
ID Mlekuž, Maja (Author), ID Oblak Črnič, Tanja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo v dveh sklopih raziskuje in proučuje vloge, funkcije in pomene tetovaž. V prvem sklopu skozi teoretski pregled označi prvotne funkcije tetoviranja, ki so bile značilne za starejše kulture. Primerja kulture med seboj in skuša označiti podobnosti in razlike med njimi glede tetoviranja. Pojasni ključne koncepte, kot so kultura tetoviranja, stigma, individualizacija, identiteta, spol in družbeni mediji. V drugem sklopu poteka študija na temo destigmatizacije tetoviranja v digitalni dobi med mladimi ženskami. V raziskavo so vključene posameznice, ki imajo vsaj eno tetovažo. V obliki dveh fokusnih skupin je nato izvedena raziskava, kjer udeleženke poročajo o svojih izkušnjah s tetovažami in podajo mnenje o vplivu družbenih medijev na destigmatizacijo prakse tetoviranja. Izvlečki odgovorov nakazujejo na tri poglavitne vloge tetovaž – okrasitev, spomin in prelomnica v življenju. Iz odgovorov je razvidno, da imajo družbeni mediji močan vpliv na večjo dostopnost, informiranje o praksi in raznovrstnost izbora tetovaž. Družbeni mediji demokratizirajo prostor in fizične interakcije prenesejo v digitalno sfero. Hkrati odgovori kažejo na to, da mediji do določene mere vplivajo na večjo sprejemljivost prakse, še vedno pa obstajajo veliki zadržki s strani starejših generacij. Poleg tega je iz odgovorov razvidno, da tetovaže pozitivno vplivajo na samozavest in samopodobo, ne prinašajo pa novega življenjskega sloga ali občutek pripadnosti novi skupnosti.

Keywords:tetoviranje, stigmatizacija, identiteta, družbeni mediji, tetovaže in spol
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Mlekuž]
Number of pages:82 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137563 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:112684035 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Destigmatization of tattooing in digital culture: experiences and practices of young women : diplomsko delo
The paper explores and studies the roles, functions and meanings of tattoos in two parts. In the first part, through a theoretical review, it identifies the original tattoo functions that were typical for older cultures. It compares cultures with each other and tries to highlight the similarities and differences between them regarding tattooing. Explains key concepts such as tattoo culture, stigma, individualization, identity, gender and social media. The second part is a study on the destigmatization of tattooing in the digital age among young women. Individuals who have at least one tattoo are included in the study. In the form of two focus groups, a survey is then conducted where participants report on their tattooing experience and an opinion on the impact of social media on the destigmatization of tattooing. Extracts of the answers suggest three main roles of the tattoo – decoration, memory, and a turning point in life. The responses show that social media has a strong influence on greater accessibility, information about the practice and diversity of tattoo selection. Social media democratizes tattoo space and transfers physical interactions to the digital sphere. It also shows that the media do influence on greater acceptability of practice, but there are still great restrictions from older generations. In addition, the responses show that tattoos positively improve confidence and self-esteem, but do not bring a new lifestyle or a sense of belonging to a new community.

Keywords:tattooing, stigmatization, identity, social media, tattoo and gender

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