
Filmi in romani o španski državljanski vojni pri pouku zgodovine in španščine : magistrsko delo
ID Kerneža, Nastja (Author), ID Kalenić Ramšak, Branka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Trškan, Danijela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi obravnavamo vlogo in pomen zgodovinskih filmov in romanov pri pouku zgodovine in španščine ter analiziramo izbrane filme in romane o španski državljanski vojni pri pouku zgodovine in španščine. V teoretičnem delu smo ugotovili, da je španska državljanska vojna nedaven zgodovinski dogodek, ki predstavlja neke vrste predstavitev časa pred začetkom druge svetovne vojne v Evropi in takratnih družbenih in političnih nasprotij. V učnih načrtih gimnazije za zgodovino španska državljanska vojna ni posebej omenjena. V izbranih učbenikih za zgodovino pa je španska državljanska vojna vključena, vendar ne vsebuje poglobljenih vsebin. Španska državljanska vojna v učnih načrtih gimnazije za španščino ni omenjena. Prav tako je v izbranih učbenikih za španščino vključena v zelo majhni meri ali pa je samo omenjena. Vloga zgodovinskih filmov in romanov pri pouku zgodovine in španščine je pomembna, saj lahko kot izobraževalni instrument pripomore k informiranju na sproščen način. Uporaba zgodovinskega romana kot didaktičnega vira lahko pripomore k večji motivaciji učencev in k njihovemu kritičnemu razmišljanju. Z izvedbo učne ure smo ugotovili, da vključitev zgodovinskih filmov in romanov v pouk resnično poveča zanimanje dijakov za obravnavano temo, spodbudi pa se tudi njihova motivacija in sodelovanje pri pouku. Izvedba nam je prav tako omogočila samoevalvacijo učne ure. Z intervjuji profesorjev zgodovine in španščine smo ugotovili, da menijo, da je vloga zgodovinskih filmov in romanov pomembna, saj predstavljajo vire, s pomočjo katerih si dijaki obravnavano snov lažje, hitreje in trajneje vtisnejo v spomin. Z anketiranjem dijakov smo ugotovili, da se jim vključitev zgodovinskih filmov in romanov v pouk zgodovine in španščine zdi pomembno, saj spodbudi njihovo kritično razmišljanje. Profesorji zgodovine in španščine se naj zato pri obravnavi pomembnih zgodovinskih tem, poskušajo posluževati uporabe zgodovinskih filmov in romanov kot didaktičnih virov pri pouku.

Keywords:španska državljanska vojna, zgodovinski film, zgodovinski roman, pouk zgodovine, pouk španščine, gimnazija
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Kerneža]
Number of pages:214 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137557 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:113405187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Films and Novels about the Spanish Civil War in History and Spanish Lessons
In the master's thesis, we discuss the role and importance of historical movies and novels in history and Spanish classes, and we analyze selected movies and novels about the Spanish Civil War in the teaching of history and Spanish. In the theoretical part, we concluded that the Spanish Civil War is a recent historic event that is a sort of representation of the time before the beginning of World War II in Europe and the social and political contradictions of that time. The general-upper-secondary-school curriculum for history classes does not specifically mention the Spanish Civil War. In selected history textbooks, the Spanish Civil War is included; however, in-depth content about the war is not. The general-upper-secondary-school curriculum for Spanish does not mention the Spanish Civil War. Selected Spanish textbooks also include the war to a very small extent or only mention it. The role of historical movies and novels in history and Spanish classes is important, as they can serve as an educational instrument due to providing information in a relaxed way. Using a historical novel as a didactic resource can contribute to higher motivation of students and their critical thinking. By implementing the lesson, we found out that including historical movies and novels in classes further increases the interest of students in the topic and also encourages their motivation and participation in classes. The implementation also enabled us to self-evaluate the lesson. By interviewing history and Spanish professors, we found out that they believe that the role of historical movies and novels is important because they represent a source through which students memorize the material more easily, faster, and for longer. On the basis of a survey conducted among students, we concluded that including historical movies and novels in history and Spanish classes seems important to them because it encourages their critical thinking. Therefore, teachers of history and Spanish should try to use historical movies and novels as didactic sources in their classes when dealing with important historical topics.

Keywords:Spanish Civil War, historical movie, historical novel, history classes, Spanish classes, general upper secondary school

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