
Prva pomoč motoristu pri cestnoprometni nesreči : diplomsko delo
ID Narat, Nadja (Author), ID Sotler, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Velikonja, Primož (Comentor), ID Prestor, Jože (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Prva pomoč je nudenje pomoči poškodovanim pred prihodom reševalcev, ki jo lahko izvaja kdorkoli v katerikoli situaciji. Prvi korak je, da prepoznamo, da nekdo potrebuje pomoč in klic na številko 112. Drugi korak je ustrezno znanje za nudenje prve pomoči. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti pravilne laične ukrepe prve pomoči pri motoristu, udeleženem v prometni nesreči. Poudarek bo na zbiranju informacij o ustreznem nudenju prve pomoči na mestu nesreče in drugih ukrepih. Hkrati bomo predstavili, kako zmanjšati strah in stres pri nudenju prve pomoči, da bi se za nudenje pomoči odločilo čim več posameznikov. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Naredili smo pregled slovenske in tuje strokovno-znanstvene literature. Literaturo smo iskali v različnih podatkovnih bazah. Vključitveni kriteriji za uporabo literature v diplomskem delu so bili: v celoti prosto dostopna vsebina na spletu za člane knjižnice Univerze v Ljubljani, slovenski ali angleški jezik, leto objave 2012 ali pozneje in recenzija, medtem ko je bil izključitveni kriterij vsebinsko neskladje literature z obravnavano temo. Zaradi relevantnosti nekatere starejše literature smo uporabili tudi literaturo, ki je starejša od 10 let. Rezultati: Razjasnili smo način pravilnega pristopa do poškodovanca, način odstranjevanja čelade in pomembnost stabilnega bočnega položaja. Razprava in zaključek: Ugotovili smo dramatični uspeh pri preprečevanju prometnih poškodb s prizadevanjem, priskrbeti pravočasno in tehnično pravilno prvo pomoč. Neuporaba zaščitne čelade je bila povezana s povečanim tveganjem za hude poškodbe. Raziskave kažejo, da motoristična čelada zmanjša tveganje za poškodba vratne hrbtenice pri nesrečah z motorjem, posebej pri tistih motoristih, ki nosijo čelado s polno pokritostjo. Z raziskavami so ovrgli prepričanje, da lahko motoristična čelada med trčenjem škoduje hrbtenici. Ugotovitve kažejo, da če ponesrečenca pravi čas namestimo v ustrezen položaj, zmanjšamo možnost zapore dihalnih poti in s tem smrt. Veliko laikov ne pozna stabilnega bočnega položaja oziroma položaj za nezavestnega, zato tudi ne ukrepajo pravilno.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, poškodbe, motoristične čelade, stabilni bočni položaj
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Narat]
Number of pages:31 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137435 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111974915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:First aid guidelines for a motorcyclist in a road accident : diploma work
Introduction: First aid is the provision of assistance to the injured before the arrival of paramedics, which can be provided by anyone in any situation. The first step is to recognize that someone needs our help and call 112. The other is the appropriate knowledge to provide first aid. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present the correct lay first aid measures for a motorcyclist involved in a traffic accident. The focus will be on gathering information on appropriate first aid at the scene of an accident and other measures. At the same time, it will be presented how to reduce the fear and stress of providing first aid in order to make the decision to provide assistance to as many individuals as possible. Metods: In the diploma work we used a descriptive method of work. We reviewed Slovenian and foreign professional and scientific literature. We searched the literature in various databases. Inclusion criteria for the use of literature in the thesis were: fully freely available online content for members of the University of Ljubljana library, Slovenian or English, year of publication 2012 or later and review, while the exclusion criterion was substantive inconsistency of literature with the topic. . Due to the relevance of some older literature, we also used literature older than 10 years. Results: We clarified the method of the correct approach to the injury, the method of removing the helmet and the importance of a stable lateral position. Discussion and conclusion: We have found dramatic successes in preventing traffic injuries with providing timely and technically correct first aid. Failure to use a protective helmet is associated with increased magnification for severe injuries. Studies suggest that motorcycle helmets protection against CSI injuries in motorcycle accidents, especially in those who wore a helmet with full coverage. Research dispels the myth that a motorcycle helmet can damage the spine during a collision. The findings show that if the victim is placed in the right position at the right time, the possibility of airway obstruction and thus death is reduced. Many lay people do not know the stable lateral position or the position of the unconscious and therefore do not act properly.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, injuries, motorcycle helmets, stable lateral position

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