
Analiza uporabnosti animacij na spletnih mestih
ID Udovič, Nika (Avtor), ID Javoršek, Dejana (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V diplomskem delu je bila izvedena analiza slovenskih in tujih animiranih spletnih mest ter raziskovana uporaba animacij na spletu in uporabnikov odnos do nje. Cilj je bil določiti najpogosteje uporabljene tipe spletnih animacij, najti povezave med pogostostjo animacije in tematiko spletnega mesta ter ugotoviti vpliv animiranosti na uporabniško izkušnjo. Analiziranih je bilo 50 animiranih spletnih mest, dostopnih na Awwwards.com. Zabeležene so bile tematike vsebin spletnih mest in tipi uporabljenih animacij ter kvalitativno opisana in določena stopnja njihove celostne animiranosti. Izvedena je bila primerjava slovenskih mest s tujimi. V drugem delu dela je bila primerjana uporabniška izkušnja digitalnih nativcev in imigrantov na treh različno animiranih slovenskih spletnih mestih s kvantitativno metodo, prek spletnega vprašalnika UEQ. Pokazano je bilo, da so razlike med slovenskimi in tujimi mesti v uporabi spletnih animacij majhne. Najpogosteje je uporabljena srednja stopnja animiranosti, ki je bila tudi v testiranju uporabniške izkušnje najpozitivneje ocenjena. Uporabljajo se kombinacije različnih tipov animacij, skoraj na vseh mestih so prisotni animirani interaktivni elementi in mikro animacije. Povezava med tematiko mesta in pogostostjo animacije na njem ni bila odkrita. Razlike med starostjo in digitalno izkušenostjo uporabnikov ter njihovim dojemanjem različno animiranih spletnih mest obstajajo; manj animirana mesta so nekoliko bolje ocenili digitalni imigranti in srednje animirana so bolje ocenili digitalni nativci. Mesto z več animacije se je izkazalo za pomanjkljivo v pragmatičnosti, hkrati sta manj animirani spletni mesti imeli slabšo, a kljub temu pozitivno oceno hedonističnih lastnosti. V splošnem se je izkazalo, da je količina animacije, vključene na spletnem mestu, pomembna in soodvisna od ciljne skupine uporabnikov, namena mesta ter njegove dostopnosti. Z uporabo raznolikih animacijskih tipov se uporabniška izkušnja lahko podpre ter ob neprimerni vključitvi teh slednja poslabša.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:spletna animacija, uporabniška izkušnja, digitalni nativci, digitalni imigranti, dostopnost spletnih mest
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Organizacija:NTF - Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137396 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:16.06.2022
Število ogledov:816
Število prenosov:144
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The analysis of usability of animations on websites
In this bachelor thesis, a range of Slovenian and foreign animated websites was explored. Research was focused on the use of animation on the web and its effect on the users. The goal was to define the most often used animation types and to identify potential correlations between the amount of animation and the website’s subject. The animation’s effect on user experience was investigated. Fifty animated websites, accessible on Awwwards.com, were analysed. Attention was paid to the subjects of the websites and types of used animations. With qualitative methods, the general levels of animation were described and determined. Additionally, Slovenian websites were compared with foreign ones. Next, the user experiences of digital natives and immigrants on three differently animated Slovenian websites were compared. For this, a quantitative method and the online UEQ questionnaire were used. Results showed the differences in the use of animation between Slovenian and foreign websites were small. A moderate amount of animation is most frequently used and preferred by the users. Usually, a combination of different types of animation is employed, the most common being interactive and micro animations. No definite connection between the website’s subject and the amount of animation was found. Some difference was seen between users of different ages and digital experiences in the perception of animated websites; digital immigrants preferred the less animated website, whereas digital natives gave better grading to website with a moderate amount of animation. The more animated website was found lacking in its pragmatic values, whereas the two less animated websites lacked a little in their hedonic qualities. It was discovered that overall, the amount of animation on a website in consideration of its target users, the site’s purpose, and its accessibility plays an important role in user experience; it can be significantly improved with the appropriate use of different animation types.

Ključne besede:website animation, user experience, digital natives, digital immigrants, web accessibility

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