
Vloga organizacije delovnega časa pri izrabi prostega časa v vsakdanjem življenju zaposlenih v organizaciji X : magistrsko delo
ID Vrandečič, Maruša (Author), ID Ilič, Branko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava pomembnost organizacije delovnega časa pri izrabi prostega časa zaposlenih. Delovni in prosti čas sta vse bolj prepletena in posledično se zabrisuje meja med njima. Učinkovito organiziran delovni čas namreč bistveno vpliva na preživljanje prostega časa. Vse sodobne tehnologije in novi organizacijski pristopi opuščajo mehansko definiranje časa. Točen čas prihoda in odhoda iz dela sta vse bolj nedoločena, vse manj je plačila glede na urno postavko in vse bolj se opušča delo na normo. Vse bolj smo priča delu na daljavo in virtualnim organizacijam. Ne osredotočamo se več toliko na kraj in čas dela, ampak bolj na željene cilje in roke za dosego. Vse bolj se poudarja prožnost zaposlitve, saj meja med delovnim in prostim časom vse bolj izginja. Posledično delovni čas izgublja svoj tradicionalni pomen in vse manj diktira dnevni, tedenski in letni tempo zaposlenih. Z obravnavanjem izbrane tematike in z opravljenimi intervjuji želim ugotoviti, ali se je meja med delovnim in prostim časom z delom od doma v času Covid-19 zameglila in če se z odmikom od klasičnega 8-urnega delovnika soočamo s podaljševanjem delovnega časa.

Keywords:delovni čas, delo od doma, podaljševanje delovnika, prosti čas
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Vrandečič]
Number of pages:98 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137264 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111219715 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The role of the organization of working time in the use of free time in the daily lives of employees in the organization X
The master's thesis explores the importance of the organization of working time in the use of employees' free time. Working and leisure time are becoming increasingly intertwined, and as a result, the line between them is blurred. Working time, which is effectively organized has a significant impact on leisure time. All modern technologies and new organizational approaches are moving away from the mechanical definition of time. The exact time of arrival and departure from work is becoming more uncertain, there are fewer payments by the hourly rate, and working based on norms is being abolished. We are witnessing more remote work and virtual organizations. We no longer focus so much on the place and time of work, but more on the desired goals and deadlines to achieve. Employment flexibility is increasingly emphasized as the line between working and leisure is disappearing. As a result, working time loses its traditional significance and dictates less the daily, weekly and annual pace of employees. By discussing the chosen topic and conducting interviews, I want to find out whether the line between working and leisure with working from home during Covid-19 has blurred, and if we are facing extending the working hours by moving away from the classic 8-hour workday.

Keywords:working hours, remote work, extending working hours, free time

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