
Ohranjanje ključnih kadrov v podjetju: Dokazi iz Republike Severne Makedonije : dokazi iz Republike Severne Makedonije
ID Karanfilovikj, Katerina (Author), ID Kohont, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ključni kadri v organizaciji predstavljajo jedro organizacije in glavni vir konkurenčne prednosti. Osrednja točka magistrske naloge je obravnava ključnih strategij zadrževanja kadrov, ki so v teoretičnem delu podrobno predstavljene. Sledi izčrpen pregled medsebojno povezanih dejavnikov, ki determinirajo strategije zadrževanja kadrov. Empirični del temelji na analizi desetih intervjujev s kadrovniki, namen raziskave pa je ugotoviti katere kombinacije strategij uporabljajo kadrovski menedžerji za zadrževanje ključnih kadrov v makedonskih organizacijah. Ugotovitve magistrske naloge so razkrile, da organizacije uporabljajo večino strategij zadrževanja, ki jih najdemo v literaturi, kot so priložnosti za poklicni razvoj, prijetno delovno okolje, odprta komunikacija, dobri medosebni odnosi med zaposlenimi in vodstvom, vključenost v organizacijske procese in podobno, kljub temu pa ostaja prostor za izboljšave. Očitno je namreč pomanjkanje vzpostavljenih sistemov nagrajevanja, poudarek pa je predvsem na finančnih spodbudah. Ob predstavitvi temeljev za nadaljnje raziskovanje te tematike pričakujemo, da bo ta raziskava dala smernice za izboljšanje strategij zadrževanja v makedonskih organizacijah.

Keywords:ključni kadri, strategije zadrževanja, kadrovski strokovnjaki, Makedonske organizacije
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Karanfilovikj]
Number of pages:105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-137197 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:110530051 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.06.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Retaining key personnel in the organisation: Evidence from the Republic of North Macedonia : evidence from the Republic of North Macedonia
The key personnel in the organisation represent the core of the organisation and the main source of competitive advantage. The focal point of this thesis is the key personnel retention strategies, which are thoroughly discussed in the theoretical part, followed by a comprehensive review of the interconnected factors. The empirical part is based on an analysis of ten interviews with HR specialists and the purpose of the research is to determine the mix of strategies, human resources managers use to retain key personnel in Macedonian organisations. The thesis findings disclosed that the organisations use most of the retention strategies found in the literature such as opportunities for professional development, a pleasant work environment, open communication, good interpersonal relations between the employees and the management, inclusiveness in the organisational processes, etc., still, there is a room for improvement. Namely, there is an evident lack of established rewards systems and the focus is mainly on the financial incentives. Aside from laying the groundwork for further research of the topic among academics, we expect that this research will give directions for the improvement of the retention strategies in Macedonian organisations.

Keywords:key personnel, retention strategies, HR specialists, Macedonian organisations

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