The purpose of the master's degree was to present a methodological process for teaching juggling and manual skills in order to develop students' motor coordination in the first and the second three years period of primary school.
Juggling is classified as a physical activity that develops both intellectual and motor skills, and we mainly develop and improve coordination of movement through juggling. Children are most susceptible to the development of coordinated movement in the period up to the age of six and later until the end of the second three years of primary school. This period provides the greatest opportunity to gain motor experiences and to acquire a wide range of motor skills.
After a review of the collected literature and taking into account our own experience, we have come to the conclusion that established and widespread methodological procedures for teaching and learning juggling are not optimal in terms of the effectiveness of exploiting this attractive activity like juggling. Our aim was to present a methodical process for teaching juggling, which with the provided argumentation contributes to the understanding in the later to the meaningful use of the presented teaching process. In addition to the exercises aimed at learning juggling, the objectives also included the presentation of exercises for the development of coordination, which are the basis for generating ideas when creating new games and exercises.
The content of the master's degree is intended for anyone who intends to start learning or teaching juggling.