
Čiščenje podzemnih voda
ID Turk, Klara (Author), ID Godec, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: 548F813B7B629714F52EF92C7A940E16

Podzemne vode so v Sloveniji vir pitne vode za večino prebivalstva, zato so le-te izrednega pomena. Težava nastopi na področjih z intenzivnejšo industrijo in kmetijstvom, ki so potencialni vir onesnaženja podtalnice. Glede na področje uporabe lahko izbiramo med membranskimi tehnikami in filtrom z aktivnim ogljem. Ti samostojno ali v kombinaciji zagotavljajo zadrževanje snovi iz vode v tolikšni meri, da je primerna za uživanje in uporabo. Za delovanje potrebujemo ustrezen adsorbent oziroma ustrezen tlak in membrano. Pri oblikovanju procesa moramo biti pozorni na tip membranske tehnologije, s katero želimo odstraniti snov, ustreznost materiala membrane in membranskega modula. Na učinkovitost procesa vplivata tudi selektivnost membrane, pretok skozi njo, koncentracijska polarizacija in obraščanje. Pri aktivnem oglju pa je potrebno biti pozoren na zasičenost adsorbenta.

Keywords:Podzemna voda, membranski procesi, aktivno oglje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136986 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:110362371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Groundwater treatment
Groundwater is a source of drinking water for the majority of the population in Slovenia, which is why it is extremely important. The problem arises in areas with more intensive industry and agriculture, which are a potential source of groundwater pollution. Depending on the field of application, we can choose between membrane techniques and activated carbon filter. These, alone or in combination, ensure that the substance is retained from the water to such an extent that it is suitable for consumption and use. For operation, we need a suitable adsorbent or the right pressure and membrane to work. When designing the process, we must pay attention to the type of membrane technology with which we want to remove the substance, the suitability of the membrane material and the membrane module. The efficiency of the process is also influenced by the selectivity of the membrane and the flow through it, concentration polarization and fouling. In the case of activated carbon, it is necessary to pay attention to the saturation of the adsorbent.

Keywords:Groundwater, membrane process, activated carbon

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