
Odprti postopek javnega naročanja na splošnem področju s poudarkom na problematiki v praksi
ID Čad, Gala (Author), ID Pirnat, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem diplomskem delu z naslovom Odprti postopek javnega naročanja na splošnem področju s poudarkom na problematiki v praksi je predstavljen institut odprtega postopka javnega naročanja na splošnem področju, ki predstavlja izvedbeni okvir vsem ostalim postopkom javnega naročanja in je posledično tudi najpodrobneje normiran. Že v prvem delu magistrsko delo prek predstavitve poteka postopka v praksi opozarja na nejasnosti in nekatere neučinkovitosti odprtega postopka in sistema javnega naročanja nasploh ter med drugim izpostavi problematike prepogostega spreminjanja javnonaročniške zakonodaje, instituta vpogleda v ponudbe in prikrojevanja razpisne dokumentacije, v drugem delu pa se podrobneje posveti štirim izbranim problematikam, s katerimi se srečujemo v praksi, in sicer se te nanašajo na dopolnjevanje in spreminjanje ponudb, neobičajno nizke ponudbe, sodno varstvo zoper odločitve DKOM in na problematiko neposrednih plačil podizvajalcem. Tako pri institutu dopolnjevanja in spreminjanja ponudb kot pri zavrnitvi ponudb iz razloga neobičajno nizke cene je naročniku dana (pre)široka diskrecijska pravica, katere posledica je neučinkovitost pravnega varstva neizbranih ponudnikov. Dvom glede učinkovitosti sodnega varstva, ki je od novele ZPVPJN-C pred Upravnim sodiščem mogoče zoper nekatere odločitve DKOM, izražam v okviru tretje izpostavljene problematike, in sicer se zaradi izključno kasatoričnih pooblastil pristojnega sodišča, problema nesuspenzivnosti in omejitve uveljavljanja zahtevka za povrnitev škode postavljam na stališče, da v slovenski pravni red sodna instanca v revizijskem postopku ni ustrezno vnesena. V okviru zadnje problematike se dotaknem tudi širše problematike plačilne nediscipline in nejasnosti pravne ureditve v zvezi z neposrednim plačevanjem podizvajalcev.

Keywords:Javno naročanje, odprti postopek, problematika, pravno varstvo, dopolnjevanje ponudb, neobičajno nizka cena, DKOM, neposredna plačila podizvajalcem.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136980 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:111204867 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Open public procurement procedure on general field with an emphasis on practical issues
The master's thesis entitled Open Public Procurement Procedure on General Field with an Emphasis on Practical Issues presents the institute of open procedure on general field, which constitutes the implementing basis for all other public procurement procedures and is therefore regulated to the greatest detail. In the first part of the thesis, I describe the course of the procedure in practice and point out ambiguities and certain inefficiencies of the open procedure and of the public procurement system in general. Moreover, I present the issue of too frequent changes to the public procurement legislation, the institute of access to tenders and tampering with tender documentation. In the second part of the thesis, I explore in greater detail the four selected practical issues. They refer to supplementing and amending tenders, to abnormally low tenders, to judicial protection against the decisions of the National Review Commission (hereinafter: NRC) and finally, to the issue of direct payments to subcontractors. As regards the institute of supplementing and amending tenders and the rejection of tenders on the grounds of abnormally low tenders, the contracting authority is granted too wide a margin of discretion, which results in ineffective legal protection for unsuccessful tenderers. Within the context of the third issue raised, I express my doubts regarding the effectiveness of judicial protection which is available against certain decisions adopted by NRC before the Administrative Court since the amendment of the Act Amending the Legal Protection in Public Procurement Procedures Act (ZPVPJN-C). Namely, due to the lack of reformatory powers of the competent court, the issue of non-suspensive appeal and the limitation on claiming damages, I take the view that the judicial instance in the review procedure has not been adequately implemented into the Slovenian legal order. Within the context of the latter, I briefly present the broader issue of payment indiscipline and the lack of clarity as regards the legal arrangement of direct payment of subcontractors.

Keywords:Public procurement, open procedure, issues, legal protection, supplementation of tenders, abnormally low tender, National Review Commission, direct payments to subcontractors.

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