
Pogledi staršev na prosti čas otrok v prvem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju
ID Žuna, Manca (Author), ID Hergan, Irena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7195/ This link opens in a new window

V primerjavi s preteklostjo so starši dandanes v vse večji meri aktivno vključeni v življenje svojih otrok. Natančno usmerjajo njihovo izobraževanje, načrtujejo krožke in zunajšolske dejavnosti ter nemalokrat tudi prosti čas otrok. Prosti čas lahko opredelimo na različne načine; običajno gre za čas, ki preostane po obveznostih. Medtem ko nekateri avtorji v prosti čas vključujejo tudi interesne dejavnosti in izbirne aktivnosti posameznika, jih drugi v svojih definicijah izključujejo. Pri razvoju otrok ima prosti čas pomembno vlogo, še posebej prosti čas in igra otrok zunaj, ki nista nadzorovana. Pozitivno vpliva na povečano fizično aktivnost, razvoj motoričnih spretnosti, kognitivni razvoj, otrokov občutek identitete, zavedanje v prostoru, neodvisnost, samozavest, odgovornost in samostojnost. Kljub temu pri delu v šoli opažam, da prihaja do upada količine časa, ki ga otroci preživijo zunaj brez nadzora odraslih, in zmanjšanja samostojne mobilnosti otrok. Pri tem imajo temeljno vlogo pogledi staršev na samostojno igro otrok zunaj in njihovo doživljanje dejavnikov, ki pozitivno ali negativno vplivajo na stopnjo zaupanja v varnost otrok v času brez nadzora (promet, okolica doma, življenjski stil, stiki z ljudmi, zrelost, samostojnost, želje in interesi otrok idr.). Samostojna mobilnost otrok prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja in njihova prosta igra zunaj z vidika staršev sta tudi predmet raziskovalnega dela v nadaljevanju. V izvedeni raziskavi je sodelovalo 135 staršev učencev prvega vzgojno-izobraževalnega obdobja, ki obiskujejo osnovno šoli v predmestju Ljubljane. Podatke smo zbirali v času epidemije Covid-19 s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom. Raziskovali smo opredelitve prostega časa, prisotnost odraslih pri igri zunaj, dejavnike, ki vplivajo na presojo staršev o tem, kam in za koliko časa dovolijo otrokom brez nadzora ter kaj jih pri tem skrbi. Ugotavljali smo, kako in zakaj otroci potujejo v/iz šole in na/z zunajšolskih dejavnosti. Zbrane podatke smo analizirali kvantitativno in kvalitativno ter ugotovili, da starši precej različno opredeljujejo prosti čas otrok, v največji meri ga povezujejo z igro, manjkrat pa s časom zunaj. Večina otrok ima vsaj tri ure prostega časa dnevno, zunaj preživijo povprečno 2,22 ure. Pri izbiri otrokovih dejavnosti predstavlja pomemben dejavnik tudi izobraževalni vidik. Ob otrokovem preživljanju prostega časa zunaj je odrasla oseba prisotna pogosto oziroma občasno, kadar le-ta ni prisotna, pa so starši relativno malo zaskrbljeni. Ugotovili smo, da je pogostejša prisotnost odrasle osebe povezana tako z nižjo starostjo otroka kot z manjšim številom ljudi, ki jih starši v okolici poznajo. Povprečna starost, pri kateri anketirani starši otrokovo preživljanje časa zunaj brez nadzora dopuščajo, je 7,5 leta. Več kot polovica otrok je lahko zunaj sama do ene ure, večina je prostorsko omejena na domačo ulico. Pri omenjenem so staršem najpomembnejši dejavniki otrokovo poznavanje okolice, igra v območju mirnega prometa in zaupanje v odziv ljudi iz okolice v primeru težav. Stopnja zaupanja v odziv drugih je precej visoka in povezana s številom ljudi, ki jih starši v okolici poznajo. Največ otrok anketiranih za prihod v šolo in odhod domov uporablja pasivne načine premikanja. Delež aktivnih načinov premikanja je največji pri odhodu iz šole. Rezultati raziskave lahko prispevajo k boljšemu razumevanju prostega časa otrok in zaupanja ter skrbi staršev, povezanih s prosto igro oz. mobilnostjo otrok zunaj brez nadzora odraslega.

Keywords:Prosti čas
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136737 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:108269315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Parents' views on the children's free time in the primary first cycle
Compared to the past, parents are today increasingly actively involved in the lives of their children. They guide their education closely, plan school clubs, extracurricular activities and often even their free time. Free time can be defined in a variety of ways; usually this is the time remaining after obligations. While some authors also include leisure activities and optional activities of the individual in their free time, others exclude them in their definitions. Free time has an important role in the development of children, especially unsupervised free time and outdoor game play. It has a positive impact on physical activity, the development of motor skills, cognitive development, the child’s sense of identity, awareness in space, independence, confidence, responsibility and autonomy. Nevertheless, we notice at work at school a decrease in time children are spending outside without the supervision of adults and a reduction of children’s independent mobility. In this manner, the views of parents on the independent outdoor play of children and their experiencing of factors, which positively or negatively influence the level of trust in the safety of children during times without supervision (traffic, home surroundings, lifestyle, contact with people, maturity, independence, desires and interests of children etc.), have a fundamental role. Independent mobility of children of the first educational period and their free outdoor play from the view of parents are the subject of the research work in this thesis. In the performed research participated 135 parents of children of the first educational period, who attend primary school in the suburbs od Ljubljana. The data was collected during the Covid-19 epidemic with an online questionnaire. We analysed the definitions of free time, the presence of adults in outside play, factors, which influence the judgement of parents about the place and quantity of time they allow children to be unsupervised, and their worries in doing so. We analysed how and why children commute to/from school and extracurricular activities. We then quantitatively and qualitatively analysed the collected data and found that parents quiet differently define the free time of children. They mostly connect it with play and less often with time spent outside. The majority of children have at least three hours of free time daily, on average, they spend 2.22 hours outside. The educational view also plays an important role in the selection of the child’s activities. An adult is often or occasionally present during the child’s outside free time and in case an adult is not present, parents are relatively little worried. We found that more frequent presence of an adult is correlated with a lower age of children and lower number of people, known to parents in the surroundings. The average age of children at which the questioned parents allow them to spend unsupervised time outside is 7.5 years. More than half of the children are allowed to be alone outside for up to an hour, the majority is spatially limited to the home street. In this manner, the most important factors for parents are the child’s familiarity with the surrounding, playing in a quiet traffic area and trust in the reactions of people in the surroundings in case of problems. The level of trust in the reactions of others is high and correlated with the number of people, known to parents in the surroundings. Most children of the questioned parents use passive means of transportation to come to school and go home. The percentage of active types of motion is the highest on leaving school. The results of the research can contribute to a better understanding of free time of children, trust and worries of parents, linked to free play or the children’s outdoor mobility without adult supervision.

Keywords:Free time

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