
Mednarodna odgovornost Kitajske zaradi ravnanja nad etnično manjšino Ujgurov
ID Pavleković, Barbara (Author), ID Kovič Dine, Maša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava vprašanje mednarodne odgovornosti Kitajske zaradi ravnanja nad etnično manjšino Ujgurov. Mednarodna odgovornost držav je star pravni institut, ki ga danes urejajo Pravila o odgovornosti držav za mednarodno protipravna dejanja. Ta določajo, da je država odgovorna za vsako dejanje, ki je pripisljivo državi in pomeni kršitev mednarodne obveznosti te države. Posebne določbe Pravil o odgovornosti držav so namenjene posledicam resnih kršitev kogentnih norm mednarodnega prava, katere imajo poleg narave ius cogens tudi učinek erga omnes. Kršitve takšnih norm prizadenejo mednarodno skupnost kot celoto, tako lahko katera koli država zahteva vzpostavitev odgovornosti države kršiteljice. Med kogentne norme uvrščamo temeljna pravila in prepovedi mednarodnega prava, ki jih ni dovoljeno derogirati, med drugim tudi prepoved genocida. Zločin genocida, kot tudi druge hude in sistematične kršitve temeljnih človekovih pravic in svoboščin, ki jih uvrščamo pod pojem kogentnih norm, pa naj bi se zgodile v kitajski pokrajini Xinjiang, v kateri živi etnična manjšina Ujguri, ki se od večinskega prebivalstva Ljudske republike Kitajske razlikuje po jeziku, veri in kulturi. Magistrsko diplomsko delo obravnava očitane kršitve človekovih pravic Ujgurov in jih subsumira pod veljavno mednarodno pravo. Na podlagi te sinteze pa predstavi možne načine vzpostavitve mednarodne odgovornosti Ljudske republike Kitajske.

Keywords:mednarodna odgovornost držav, Ljudska republika Kitajska, etnična manjšina Ujguri, kršitev kogentnih norm, kršitev človekovih pravic, genocid
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136677 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:109848835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:14.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:China's international responsibility for its treatment of the Uighur ethnic minority
The master's thesis deals with the issue of China's international responsibility for the treatment of the Uighur ethnic minority. International responsibility of states is anold legal institute today defined by the Articles on the Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts. They stipulate that the State is responsible for any act attributable to the State which constitutes a breach of that State's international obligation. Special provisions are set for serious violations of ius cogens norms of international law, which in addition also have an erga omnes effect. Violations of such norms affect the international community as a whole, therefore any State may request the establishment of liability of the offending State. Ius cogens norms include the basic rules and prohibitions of international law, from which no derogation is permitted, including the prohibition of genocide. The crime of genocide, as well as other serious and systematic violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, which are classified as ius cogens norms, allegedly took place in the Chinese province of Xinjiang, inhabited by the Uighur ethnic minority, which differs from the majority of the People's Republic of China by language, religion and culture. The master's thesis addresses alleged violations of Uighur human rights and subsumes them under current international law, and on the basis of this synthesis discusses possible ways of establishing international responsibility of the People's Republic of China.

Keywords:State responsibility, People's Republic of China, Uighur ethnic minority, violation of cogent norms, violation of human rights, genocide

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