
Zgodnje izkušnje s starši v povezavi s sočutjem do sebe in soočanjem z neuspehi : magistrsko delo
ID Rošker, Martina (Author), ID Žvelc, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vedenje staršev in kvaliteta medsebojnih zgodnjih odnosov med starši ter otrokom je povezana z njegovim kasnejšim dojemanjem samega sebe. Na podlagi tega je bil cilj magistrske naloge raziskati predpostavko, da zaznavanje zgodnjih izkušenj s starši napoveduje posameznikovo doživljanje sočutja do sebe in njegovo soočanje s strahom pred neuspehom. V vzorec smo vključili 395 udeležencev, starih od 18 do 29 let. Od tega je v nalogi sodelovalo 287 žensk (72,7 %) in 108 moških (27,3 %). Za zbiranje podatkov smo uporabili Vprašalnik vezi s starši, Lestvico sočutja do sebe in Lestvico za ocenjevanje neuspešnosti, ki smo jo priredili za slovensko okolje. Z analizami rezultatov smo potrdili vseh pet zastavljenih hipotez. Ugotovili smo, da ljubeča starševska skrb pozitivno napoveduje sočutje do sebe in negativno napoveduje strah pred neuspehom, medtem ko prevelika zaščita staršev negativno napoveduje sočutje do sebe ter pozitivno napoveduje strah pred neuspehom. Prav tako smo ugotovili, da sočutje do sebe negativno napoveduje strah pred neuspehom. Ljubeča skrb pomaga posamezniku, da se ne sramuje in ne boji posledic neuspehov, hkrati pa takšno starševstvo tudi krepi pozitivne notranje dialoge, ki se kažejo v višjem sočutju do sebe. Posamezniki, ki so do sebe sočutni in nase gledajo s prijaznostjo, se bodo manj bali neugodnih posledic neuspeha, zato je njihov strah nižji. Prevelika zaščita staršev pa lahko ogrozi občutek posameznikovega obvladovanja situacij in zmanjšuje njegovo zaupanje vase, kar se lahko kaže v večji kritičnosti do sebe kot tudi v večjem strahu morebitnih posledic, ki sledijo njegovemu neuspehu. Dobljene psihometrične lastnosti Lestvice za ocenjevanje neuspešnosti so bile zadovoljive in pripomoček je možno uporabljati za ocenjevanje strahu pred neuspehom.

Keywords:zgodnje izkušnje, starševstvo, odnos med starši in otroci, sočutje do sebe, strah pred neuspehom
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Rošker]
Number of pages:48 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136645 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123013123 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Early relationship with parents in connection with self compassion and coping with failure
Parental behavior and the quality of early parent-child relationships are related to a child's perception of themselves later on in life. Based on this, the aim of the master's thesis was to explore the assumption that the perception of early experiences with parents predict an individual's experience of self-compassion and their ability of coping with the fear of failure. The sample included 395 participants aged 18 to 29. Of these, 287 (72.7%) were women and 108 (27.3%) were men. To collect data, we used the Parental Bonding Instrument, the Self-Compassion Scale and the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory, which we adapted to the Slovenian environment. By analyzing the results, we confirmed all five hypotheses. We found that parental care positively predicts self-compassion and negatively predicts fear of failure, while parental overprotection negatively predicts self-compassion and positively predicts fear of failure. We also found that self-compassion negatively predicts fear of failure. Parental care helps an individual not to be ashamed and not to be afraid of the consequences of failure, while at the same time it strengthens positive internal dialogues, which manifest in higher self-compassion. Individuals who are compassionate and kind to themselves will be less afraid of the adverse consequences of failure, so their fear is lower. Parental overprotection, however, can jeopardize an individual’s sense of coping with situations and reduce their self-confidence, which can result in greater self-criticism as well as greater fear of the possible consequences that follow their failure. Finally, the psychometric properties of the Performance Failure Appraisal Inventory were satisfactory and therefore this tool can be used to assess the fear of failure.

Keywords:early experience, parenting, parent child relations, self-compassion, fear of failure

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