
Doživljanje sprave in odpuščanja pri odraslih osebah z izkušnjo izdaje v partnerskem odnosu : magistrsko delo
ID Bizjak, Petra (Author), ID Simonič, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Partnerjeva izdaja je lahko zelo travmatična izkušnja, ki zamaje tla pod nogami. Za posameznika ima lahko trajajoče posledice. Posameznik se pri tem srečuje z različnimi čustvenimi stanji in se lahko znajde v globoki stiski. Pri tem je pomembno, da si dovoli brez sramu čutiti vsa čutenja in jih ne potlači, saj mu jih bo le tako uspelo uspešno predelati in prebroditi ter nadaljevati s svojim življenjem naprej. Šele, ko mu bo to uspelo, bo resnično lahko storilcu tudi odpustil v pravem pomenu besede, se rešil jeze in starih zamer ter našel svoj notranji mir. Hkrati pa se na tak način lahko odpre poti sprave, če si želi obnove in ponovno vzpostavljanje skrhanega partnerskega odnosa. Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na doživljanje sprave in odpuščanja pri odraslih osebah z izkušnjo izdaje v partnerskem odnosu. V teoretičnem delu so podrobneje opisani procesi sprave in odpuščanja, travmatične izkušnje in relacijska travma, konfliktno in travmatično partnerstvo ter na to vezano odpuščanje. V empiričnem delu je uporabljena kvalitativna fenomenološka psihološka metoda, s katero je bilo raziskovano, kako odrasle osebe doživljajo proces sprave in odpuščanja v soočanju z izdajstvom v partnerskem odnosu. V raziskavi je sodelovalo pet udeležencev, štiri ženske in en moški. Raziskava je pokazala, da je bila izkušnja partnerjeve izdaje zelo težka in boleča preizkušnja zanje. Potrebovali so kar nekaj časa in vloženega truda, da so je prebrodili. Ko so to dosegli, so bili pripravljeni storilcu tudi odpustiti. Dve udeleženki sta se s partnerjem uspeli spraviti in obnoviti njun skrhan odnos, pri ostalih treh udeležencih pa sprava ni bila mogoča. Raziskava prinaša ugotovitve, da so posamezniki kljub težki preizkušnji to uspeli prebroditi, čeprav je bila včasih situacija brezizhodna, kljub temu pa je ob ustreznem soočanju in tudi doseganju odpuščanja (ter sprave) mogoče zaživeti srečno življenje, polnem upanja za prihodnost.

Keywords:izdaja, sprava, odpuščanje, travma, stiska, čustveno doživljanje, fenomenološka metoda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Bizjak]
Number of pages:IV, 92, III str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136492 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:109155843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Experiencing reconciliation and forgiveness in adults with a history of betrayal in partner relationships
A partner’s betrayal is a very traumatic experience. It can have long-lasting consequences for the individual who was betrayed. In experiencing this, the individual encounters various emotional states and finds himself in deep distress. It is important that he allows himself to feel all the feelings without shame and does not suppress those feelings. Only by doing so the individual will be able to successfully process and overcome those feelings and continue with his life. Only in succeeding in this, he will be able to truly forgive the person who betrayed him, and thus get rid of anger and old grudges, and find his inner peace. At the same time, the path of reconciliation can be opened if he wants to rebuild and re-establish a broken partnership. The master's thesis focuses on the experience of reconciliation and forgiveness in adults with a history of betrayal in a partnership. The theoretical part describes the processes of reconciliation and forgiveness, traumatic experiences and relational trauma, conflict, traumatic partnership, and related forgiveness. The empirical part uses a qualitative phenomenological psychological method, which was used to investigate how adults experience the process of reconciliation and forgiveness when betrayed in a partnership. Five participants, four women and one man participated in the study. Research has shown that a partner’s betrayal has been a very difficult and painful ordeal for them. It took them quite some time and effort to get through. Only when they achieved that, they were willing to forgive. Two participants and their partners managed to reconcile and restore their broken relationship, while reconciliation was not possible for the other three participants. The research finds that despite the difficult ordeal, the individuals overcame it, even though the situation was sometimes hopeless. It is possible to live a happy life full of hope for the future by facing and achieving forgiveness (and reconciliation).

Keywords:betrayal, reconciliation, forgiveness, trauma, distress, emotional experience, phenomenological method

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