
Telesna zmogljivost bolnic z rakom dojke : magistrsko delo
ID Bogataj, Eva (Avtor), ID But Hadžić, Jasna (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Pori, Primož (Komentor)

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Rak dojke je najpogostejša oblika raka pri ženskah, katerega pojavnost v zadnjih letih narašča. V procesu zdravljenja se bolnice srečujejo s številnimi stranskimi učinki, med drugim z upadom telesne zmogljivosti. Namen dela je analizirati telesno zmogljivost bolnic, zdravljenih za rakom dojk, in jo ovrednotiti glede na priporočila in rezultate iz literature. Zanima nas primerjava telesne zmogljivosti glede na način zdravljenja in povezave med količino telesne dejavnosti ter rezultatom na šestminutnem testu hoje (6MTH) s pojavnostjo simptomov depresije, stresa in anksioznosti. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 76 bolnic s povprečno starostjo 54 ± 8 let, v času merjenja je bolezen trajala 7 ± 6 let. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika smo dobili podatke o letu rojstva, datumu postavitve diagnoze, načinu zdravljenja, strani, ki je prizadeta, ter količini telesne dejavnosti, ki jo izvajajo tedensko. Za oceno telesne zmogljivosti smo uporabili izbrane teste iz testne baterije za merjenje telesnih sposobnosti starejših oseb – Senior fitnes test, in sicer: doseg sede na stolu, časovno merjen vstani in pojdi test (2,4 m), vstajanje s stola, upogib komolca in 6MTH. Dodali smo test zmogljivosti prijema, ki je eden izmed testov v testni bateriji, namenjeni testiranju telesne pripravljenosti odraslih oseb. Podatke o psihološkem stanju merjenk smo pridobili z lestvico o depresivnosti, anksioznosti in stresu – DASS-21. Za primerjavo rezultatov izmerjenih testov z rezultati iz literature smo oktobra 2020 podatke iskali v podatkovni zbirki PubMed, kjer smo za ključ pri iskanju uporabili ključne besede, ki so zajemale rak dojke in specifičen test, ki smo ga izvedli (''6 minute walk test'' OR ''6MWT'', ''arm curl'', ''chair sit and reach'', ''chair stand'', ''time up and go'' in ''gand grip'' AND ''breast cancer survivors''). Ugotovili smo, da se rezultati merjenk statistično razlikujejo (p < 0,01) od rezultatov, pridobljenih iz literature. Pri vseh testih, razen pri testu upogib komolca, so merjenke dosegle boljše rezultate. Primerjava s priporočili za posamezne teste je pokazala, da so merjenke dosegle povprečne in nadpovprečne rezultate. Analiza povezave med količino telesne dejavnosti in simptomi depresij, stresa in anksioznosti je statistično negativna (p < 0,05 pri stresu in anksioznosti, p < 0,051 pri depresiji).

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:rak dojke, analiza telesne zmogljivosti, dejavniki zmanjšanja telesne zmogljivosti, zdravljenje, telesna dejavnost
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FŠ - Fakulteta za šport
Leto izida:2022
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136484 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:111648003 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:07.05.2022
Število ogledov:1183
Število prenosov:131
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Physical performance of breast cancer patients
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, with an increasing incidence in recent years. Patients experience a number of side effects during treatment, including a decrease in physical performance. The purpose of the task is to analyse and evaluate the physical performance of breast cancer patients based on recommendations and results from the literature. We are interested in comparing physical performance based on the treatment method, as well as the relationship between the amount of physical activity and the 6MWT result and the occurrence of symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety. The study included 76 patients with an average age of 54 ± 8 years and a disease duration of 7 ± 6 years at the time of measurement. We obtained information on the year of birth, the date of diagnosis, the method of treatment, the site affected, and the amount of physical activity performed weekly using a survey question. We used selected tests from the test battery to assess the physical fitness of the elderly - the Senior Fitness Test, which included the chair sit and reach test, the time-measured stand up and go test (2,4 m), the chair stand, elbow flexion, and a 6-minute walk test. We have included a grip performance test as one of the tests in the test battery designed to assess adult fitness. The DASS-21 Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale was used to collect data on the subjects' psychological condition. To compare the results of the measured tests with the results from the literature, we searched the data in the PubMed database in October 2020, using keywords that included breast cancer and the specific test that we performed ("6-minute walk test" OR "6MWT", "arm curl", "chair sit and reach", "chair stand", "time up and go", and "hand grip") AND ("breast cancer survivors"). We found that the survey results differ statistically (p < 0.01) from the results obtained from the literature. Except for the elbow flexion test, the subjects performed better in all tests. When compared to the recommendations for individual tests, the subjects achieved average to above-average results. A statistically significant negative relationship exists between physical activity and symptoms of depression, stress, and anxiety (p < 0.05 for stress and anxiety, p < 0.051 for depression).

Ključne besede:breast cancer, physical performance analysis, factors reducing physical performance, treatment, physical activity

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