
Priprava in vrednotenje trikomponentne koprocesirane pomožne snovi
ID Mavec, Blaž (Author), ID Srčič, Stanko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Koprocesirane pomožne snovi uvrščamo med nove pomožne snovi (PS). Izdelane so s povezavo dveh ali več PS na ravni osnovnih delcev, da bi se izboljšale funkcionalne lastnosti in prikrile neželene lastnosti posameznih sestavin. V celotnem procesu koprocesiranja do kemijskih sprememb posamezno vgrajenih PS ne prihaja. Individualne lastnosti posameznih PS, ki sestavljajo koprocesirano PS, so ohranjene, ključen pa je doprinos k funkcionalnosti, ki je v primerjavi s fizikalno zmesjo istih PS zelo izboljšana. Njihova priljubljenost v farmacevtski industriji še vedno raste. Ena izmed ključnih prednosti tovrstnih PS napram ostalimi novimi PS je tudi v tem, da dodatnih toksikoloških študij zanje ni treba izvajati. S stališča varnosti mora uporabnik (farmacevtska industrija) z analitičnimi raziskavami dokazati odsotnost kovalentnih vezi v koprocesiranem materialu. Namen raziskovalnega dela je bil izdelati koprocesirano PS iz začetne trikomponentne fizikalne zmesi (mikrokristalna celuloza, nizko substituirana hidroksipropil celuloza, dikalcijev fosfat – Fujicalin®). V ta namen smo uporabili različne tehnologije: vrtinčnoslojno granuliranje, hitro vrteči mešalnik, direktno kompaktiranje, sušenje z razprševanjem in vlažno iztiskanje z dvovijačnim ekstrudorjem. Pri tem smo uporabili prečiščeno vodo kot granulacijsko tekočino. Ovrednotenje osnovne fizikalne zmesi, referenčnih materialov in izdelanih vzorcev je temeljilo na določanju njihove oblike, velikosti in porazdelitve delcev, zbite in nasipne gostote ter pretočnih lastnosti. V eksperimentalnem delu smo ugotovili, da je tehnologija sušenja z razprševanjem najmanj primerna za izdelavo koprocesiranega materiala. Kot bolj primerna se je pokazala vrtinčnoslojna tehnologija. Kot primerni metodi za izdelavo in nadaljnjo optimizacijo smo izbrali vlažno iztiskanje z dvovijačnim ekstrudorjem (Twin Screw Extrusion, TSE) in visokostrižno tehnologijo (HS). Z nadaljnjo primerjavo rezultatov ovrednotenja izdelanih vzorcev slednjih tehnologij smo ugotovili, da imajo materiali, izdelani s HS tehnologijo, ozko in unimodalno porazdelitev velikosti delcev, medtem ko je bila ta za materiale, izdelane s TSE tehnologijo, široka in bimodalna. S tehnologijo TSE smo izdelali signifikantno večje delce in asimetrične oblike, medtem, ko smo s HS izdelali sferične in manjše delce in sprejemljive pretočnosti. Na podlagi skupnih rezultatov smo kot najboljšo metodo koprocesiranja izbrali HS tehnologijo, ki zagotavlja produkt z želenimi fizikalno kemijskimi in tehnološkimi lastnostmi.

Keywords:koprocesirane pomožne snovi, MCC, L-HPC, kalcijev fosfat Fujicalin®, visokostrižna tehnologija, vlažno iztiskanje z dvovijačnim ekstrudorjem
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136451 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2022
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Title:Preparation and evaluation of a three-component co-processed excipient
Co-processed excipients (CPEs) can be classified as novel excipients. They are combinations of two or more excipients at the sub-particle level with the aim to improve functionality as well as mask the undesirable properties of individual excipients. Excipients combinations through co-processing do not produce any chemical modification in the incorporated excipients. Individual properties of excipients are retained in the combination, the only novelty is the improved functionality as compared with the same physical form. Their popularity in the pharmaceutical industry is still growing rapidly. In comparison with other novel excipients, CPEs do not require any toxicological study and can be considered safe if parent excipients are declared safe by the regulatory agencies. For CPEs, the safety assessment may only involve analytical studies to demonstrate that no new covalently bonded material was formed during coprocessing. The aim of this research was to develop a co-processed excipient from starting physical mixture (microcrystalline cellulose, low-substituted hydroxypropyl cellulose, calcium phosphate- Fujicalin®). For this purpose, we used different technologies: Fluid Bed Technology, High Shear Mixer (HS), Twin Screw Extrusion (TSE), Spray Drying, and Direct compaction. In the process, we used purified water as granulation liquid. Investigation of physico-chemical properties of the physical mixer, reference materials, and develop co-processed materials was based on particle shape, particle size distribution, tap, bulk density, and flowability. Based on our research, Spray Drying has proven to be at least suitable, Fluid Bed less suitable while HS including TSE the most suitable technologies. Of both suitable technologies, we came to the discovery, that materials made from HS demonstrated unimodal and slim particle size distribution, while materials made from TSE demonstrated bimodal and wide particle size distribution. Furthermore, this was confirmed by the Span values, which were higher for TSE materials in comparison to HS materials, indicating a polydisperse system. The primary particles made with TSE were significantly larger, and asymmetrical than the corresponding particles made with HS technology which were smaller, more spherical, and had comparable flowability. Based on the overall results, we concluded, that the best method for co-processing was HS technology along with its designed manufacturing process to ensure a co-processed product with the desired physico-chemical and other properties.

Keywords:Co-processed excipients, MCC, L-HPC, calcium phosphate, High Shear Technology, Twin Screw Extrusion

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