
Proces razkritja homoseksualne identitete staršem v obdobju adolescence : magistrsko delo
ID Pavlič, Jure (Avtor), ID Rijavec Klobučar, Nataša (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali proces razkritja homoseksualne identitete staršem, s strani mladih, v obdobju adolescence. To obdobje za vsakega mladostnika predstavlja veliko fizičnih sprememb in čustvenih izzivov, ki pa so še toliko težji za posameznike, ki se identificirajo kot istospolno usmerjeni, saj so podrvženi dodatnim specifičnim izzivom, kot so homofobija, heteronormativnost, medvrstniško nasilje in drugi. Poleg teh v teoretičnem delu obravnavamo vzgojo mladostnikov in njihov odnos s starši, razvoj homoseksualne spolne identitete ter proces razkritja homoseksualne identitete, od prvih lastnih zavedanj istospolne privlačnosti do prvega razkritja pred lastnimi starši, kar mnogi posamezniki doživljajo kot prelomni trenutek njihovega življenja. Drugi del magistrske naloge je namenjen raziskavi, ki smo jo izvajali s pomočjo fenomenološke metode, ki nam omogoča podroben vpogled v doživljanje posameznega udeleženca. Namen je bilo raziskati doživljanje udeležecev ob prvih občutkih istospolne privlačnosti in izzivih, s katerimi so se morali ob tem spopadati. Zanimali so nas medosebni odnosi, ki so bili takrat prisotni v življenju udeležencev. Ugotovili smo namreč, da sta podpora in sprejemanje s strani drugih ključnega pomena za lažje sprejetje lastne istospolne identitete in integriranje v širšo družbo. V nasprotnem primeru se lahko pojavijo simptomi socialne anksioznosti, depresije ali celo samomorilne težnje. Ključni vidik naše raziskave je bilo mladostnikovo razkritje pred lastnimi starši. Ugotavljamo, da je samo pripravljanje na ta dogodek za posameznika zelo stresno ter polno občutkov zmede, sramu in negotovosti. Večina udeležencev se je najprej razkrila mami in kasneje očetu, saj so tam čutili več varnosti in povezanosti v odnosu. Odzivi staršev na razkritje pa so bili različni. Nekateri so to brez problema sprejeli in podprli svojega mladostnika, drugi pa niso mogli iti preko njihove različne spolne usmerjenosti. V vsakem primeru pa je ta dogodek spremenil nadaljnji potek družinskega življenja in medosebnih odnosov posameznika.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:homoseksualnost, spolna identiteta, razkritje, adolescenca, vzgoja mladostnikov, odnos s starši
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:J. Pavlič
Leto izida:2022
Št. strani:VI, 78, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136308 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:109134595 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:23.04.2022
Število ogledov:1039
Število prenosov:167
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:The disclosure process of homosexual identity to parents during adolescence
In this master's thesis, we studied the disclosure process of young people’s homosexual identity to their parents during adolescence. This period involves many physical changes and emotional challenges for every adolescent, but they are even more difficult for individuals who identify as homosexual, as they are subject to additional specific challenges such as homophobia, heteronormativity, peer violence and others. In addition, the theoretical part deals with the upbringing of adolescents and their relationships with parents, the development of homosexual gender identity and the process of revealing homosexual identity, from the first awareness of same-sex attraction to the first disclosure to their parents, which many individuals experience as a turning point in their lives. The second part of the master's thesis describes the research we conducted using the phenomenological method, which gives us a detailed insight into the experience of each participant. The aim was to explore the participants’ experiences of their first feelings of same-sex attraction, the associated challenges they faced, and the interpersonal relationships present in their lives at the time. We found that support and acceptance by others is of key importance for easier acceptance of one's own same-sex identity and integration into the wider society. Otherwise, symptoms of social anxiety, depression, or even suicidal tendencies may occur. A key aspect of our research was the adolescent’s disclosure of their sexual orientation to their own parents. We found that merely preparing for this event involves a high degree of stress and is associated with feelings of confusion, shame and insecurity. Most participants made the initial disclosure to their mother, rather than their father, as that relationship felt more secure and connected. Parents’ responses to the disclosure, however, varied. Some accepted this well and supported their adolescent, whilst others could not come to terms with their different sexual orientation. Regardless, the event changed the course of family life and interpersonal relationships of the individual.

Ključne besede:homosexuality, gender identity, disclosure, adolescence, adolescent education, relationship with parents

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