
Tradicionalnost Festivala ovčje volne Bicka v Solčavi
ID Belac, Sanja (Author), ID Habinc, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se posveča raziskovanju tradicionalnosti Festivala ovčje volne Bicka v Solčavi. V začetku diplomskega dela avtorica predstavi občino Solčava, njen turizem in jezersko-solčavsko ovco in njeno volno. Ta kulturnozgodovinski okvir je pomemben za raziskavo in razumevanje samega festivala. Pri preučevanju Festivala ovčje volne Bicka avtorica v ospredje postavlja vprašanje, kako tradicionalnost razumejo organizatorji festivala in kako je ta vpletena v samo dogajanje. Festival je sodoben dogodek z vsebinami s kontinuiteto s preteklostjo in brez nje. Organizatorji festivala ne oglašujejo kot tradicionalnega, vendar pa ga vseeno razumejo kot del pomembne tradicije in identitete Solčavskega. Dogodek slavi solčavsko tradicijo oz. dediščino polstenja in ovčereje.

Keywords:Tradicija, dediščina, festivali, ovčereja, volna, polstenje, turizem, Solčava, Društvo Bicka.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136274 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.04.2022
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Title:Traditional Nature of Bicka Sheep Wool Festival in Solčava Region
This paper studies the traditional nature of the Bicka Sheep Wool Festival in the Solčava region. In the introduction, the author presents the municipality of Solčava and its tourism as well as the Jezersko-Solčava sheep breed and its wool. This cultural and historical background has an important role in studying and understanding the festival itself. While examining the Bicka Sheep Wool Festival, the author raises a question about how festival organisers understand the traditional nature of the festival and how this nature is integrated in the event itself. The festival is a modern event, with some of its topics, not all, related to the past. The organisers do not promote the festival as a traditional event, yet they understand it as an important part of the tradition and identity of the Solčava region. The event praises the tradition of the Solčava region as well as the heritage of felting and sheep farming.

Keywords:Tradition, heritage, festivals, sheep farming, wool, felting, tourism, Solčava region, Bicka Association.

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