
Učinki vadbe inspiratornih dihalnih mišic na telesno zmogljivost med nošenjem bremena : magistrsko delo
ID Jeruc Tanšek, Monika (Avtor), ID Kacin, Alan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Švent, Andrej (Komentor), ID Jakovljević, Miroljub (Recenzent)

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MD5: 961145478F95E2C41E15DBC19D7756F9

Uvod: Namestitev bremena na prsni koš med telesno dejavnostjo zmanjša učinkovitost in povečuje delo dihalnih mišic. Sprememba v mehaniki dihanja privede do pospešene utrujenosti dihalnih mišic, ki poslabša delavno kapaciteto posameznika. Namen raziskovalnega dela je bil ovrednotiti učinke vadbe za krepitev inspiratornih dihalnih mišic na telesno zmogljivost med nošenjem bremena v nahrbtniku pri pripadnikih Enote za specialno delovanje Slovenske vojske. Metode: Prostovoljce smo z žrebom razdelili v dve skupini. Poskusna skupina (n = 10) je šest tednov neprekinjeno vadila s pripomočkom POWERbreathe® s stopnjevanim inspiratornim uporom. Primerjalna skupina (n = 10) je vadila po enakem protokolu, a le z navideznim dihalnim uporom. Začetno in končno ocenjevanje posameznikov je obsegalo oceno aerobne zmogljivosti, merjenje dihalnih volumnov, testiranje splošne telesne pripravljenosti, izvedba 60-minutnega testa hoje z nahrbtnikom, obremenitveni testi dihalnih mišic pred in po testu hoje ter oceno skupnega in dihalnega napora pred in po testu hoje. Rezultati: Po programu vadbe se je v poskusni skupini statistično pomembno povečala jakost inspiratornih mišic tako pred testom hoje (47 ± 13 %) kot po njem (58 ± 20 %), medtem ko se je povečala jakost ekspiratornih mišic le po testu hoje (19 ± 18 %). Zmanjšala se je tudi utrudljivost inspiratornih mišic za 67 % in ekspiratornih za 47 %. Statistično pomembnih sprememb v srčno-žilnih odzivih in oceni napora v poskusni skupini nismo zaznali, prav tako ni prišlo do sprememb pljučnih volumnov. V primerjali skupini nismo zaznali statistično pomembnih sprememb v nobenem od izmerjenih parametrov. Razprava in zaključek: Vadba inspiratornih dihalnih mišic z ustreznim uporom izboljša mišično jakost inspiratornih mišic in zmanjša njihovo utrujanje, pozitivni učinek pa ima tudi na zmogljivost ekspiratornih mišic. Predvidevamo, da potencialnih sprememb v srčno-žilnih odzivih in oceni napora med testom hoje nismo zaznali zaradi prenizke intenzitete testa. Na podlagi dobljenih rezultatov ugotavljamo, da je vadba inspiratornih dihalnih mišic s pripomočkom učinkovita za izboljšanje funkcije dihalnih mišic pri ljudeh, ki opravljajo telesno zahtevne poklice ali so rekreativno telesno dejavni.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:magistrska dela, fizioterapija, nošenje bremena, utrujanje inspiratornih dihalnih mišic, vadba inspiratornih dihalnih mišic, vojaki
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Jeruc Tanšek]
Leto izida:2022
Št. strani:43 str., [12] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136253 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:105634563 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:21.04.2022
Število ogledov:1455
Število prenosov:274
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Effects of training of the inspiratory breathing muscles on the physical performance while load carrying : master thesis
Introduction: Placing a load on the chest during physical activity reduces efficiency and increases the work of the respiratory muscles. A change in the mechanics of respiration leads to accelerated fatigue of the respiratory muscles. The purpose of the research work was to evaluate the effects of inspiratory muscle strength training on physical performance while carrying loaded backpac in members of the Special Operations Unit of the Slovenian Army. Methods: Volunteers were divided into two groups by lot. The experimental group practiced continuously for six weeks with the POWERbreathe® device against incremental inspiratory resistance. The comparison group performed equal training protocol with sham inspiratory resistance. The initial and final evaluation of subjects comprised aerobic capacity assessment, respiratory volumes measurement, general fitness test, 60-minute walk test with a backpack, maximal respiratory muscle pressure tests before and after the walking test, and total and respiratory perceived effort assessment before and after the walking test,. All tests and measurements were repeated at after the training intervention. Results: After the intervention, the strength of inspiratory muscles statistically significantly increased in the experimental group both before (47 ± 13%) and after (58 ± 20%) the walking test, while strength of expiratory muscles increased only after the walking test (19 ± 18%). The fatigue of inspiratory muscles significantly decreased by 67% and of the expiratory muscles by 47%. No statistically significant changes in cardiovascular responses and perceived effort were observed in the experimental group. In the comparison group, no statistically significant changes were detected in any of the measured parameters. Discussion and conclusion: Exercise of the inspiratory respiratory muscles with the incremental inspiratory resistance improves strength of inspiratory muscles and reduces their fatigue, while it also has positive effect on capacity of expiratory muscles. We assume that potential changes in cardiovascular responses and percived effort during the walking test were not detected due to insuficient test intensity. Based on the results, we conclude that inspiratory muscles training is effective for improving respiratory muscle function in people with physically demanding occupations or those who perform intense recreational physical activity.

Ključne besede:master's theses, physiotherapy, carrying loads, inspiratory muscles fatigue, inspiratory muscles training, soldiers

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