
Izdelava vizualnih učinkov in 3D lika za umestitev v stilsko enotno video vsebino
ID Knific Košir, Aja (Author), ID Gabrijelčič Tomc, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo z naslovom Izdelava vizualnih učinkov in 3D lika za umestitev v stilsko enotno video vsebino obravnava potek izdelave kratkega filma, ki vsebuje vizualne učinke. Izdelava končnega izdelka je v magistrskem delu predstavljena skozi tri faze: predprodukcijo, produkcijo in postprodukcijo. V predprodukciji je obravnavano določanje elementov, ki jih je moč predstaviti kot vizualne učinke. Predstavljen je razvoj lastne ideje oziroma zgodbe, ki povezuje prej določene elemente v celoto, pojasnjen pa je tudi izbor snemalne ter računalniške opreme za uresničitev lastne ideje. Produkcija in postprodukcija sta fazi, ki obravnavata uresničitev ideje. V njma je predstavljeno, kako je s pomočjo predhodno opravljene analize različnih moţnostih ustvarjanja vizualnih učinkov z izgradnjo, dodelavo in obdelavo načrtovanih elementov ter montaţo nastalega digitalnega materiala moţno doseči stilsko enoten končni izdelek. Magistrska naloga je razdeljena na dva dela. Prvi, teoretični del, predstavi zgodovino razvoja vizualnih učinkov v filmski industriji, pri čemer je vključenih nekaj primerov dobre prakse, opisanih pa je tudi nekaj trendov ustvarjanja na tem področju v zadnjem desetletju. V teoretičnem delu je prav tako opisanih nekaj najpogosteje uporabljenih tehnik, ki so potrebne za izdelavo vizualnih učinkov. Drugi, praktični del, najprej predstavi namen in hipoteze magistrskega dela. Skozi različne stopnje ustvarjanja vizualnih učinkov razkrije, kaj vse je potrebno opraviti za nastanek kratkega filma z vizualnimi učinki. Pri tem obravnava načrtovanje končnega izdelka, izdelavo in dodelavo vsakega izmed računalniško ustvarjenih elementov, ki so vključeni v film, pri čemer opiše tudi vse tehnike, ki so bile uporabljene pri izdelavi. Predstavi tudi potek zaključne dodelave in obdelave digitalnega materiala, kjer se dotakne digitalnega sestavljanja, montaţe prizorov in barvne korekcije. Magistrsko delo se zaključi z analizo tistih delov končnega izdelka, s pomočjo katerih je bil doseţen namen magistrskega dela, ob enem pa potrdi hipoteze, ki so bile postavljene pred začetkom ustvarjanja.

Keywords:vizualni učinki, 3D lik, animacija, računalniško ustvarjeno okolje, digitalno sestavljanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136212 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.04.2022
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Title:The Making of Visual Effects and 3D Character for Placement in a Visually Unified Video Content
This master thesis, titled The Making of Visual Effects and 3D Character for Placement in a Visually Unified Video Content, describes the process of making a short film that contains visual effects. The process of making the final version of a video is described in three stages: pre-production, production and post-production. Pre-production addresses the determination of the elements that can be described as visual effects as well as the development of the story that connects the described elements into a unified content. Pre-production further contains a description of recording and software equipment planned for the realisation of the project. Production and post-production are the stages showing the realisation of the idea. In this part, the creation of a stylistically unified video content is presented, which was achieved through an analysis of the process of creating visual effects. The processing and final editing of digital elements are also described in these stages. The master thesis is divided in two parts. The first, theoretical part, is a presentation of the historical development of visual effects in the film industry, where some examples of good practice are also included. Some trends prevailing in this field over the last decade are described at this point as well. Last but not least, the theoretical part describes some of the most common techniques used when creating visual effects. The second, experimental part, first presents the purpose and hypotheses of the master thesis. Through various stages of creating visual effects, it describes what needs to be accomplished in order to create a short film with visual effects. Next, it includes the process of creating all the computer-generated elements that are included in the final version of the film, and describes all the techniques that were used in their making. The processes of digital compositing, video editing and colour correction are also described at this point. At the end of the master thesis there is an analysis of different parts of the short film proving that the purpose of the master thesis has been achieved. The analysis also confirms the hypotheses of the thesis.

Keywords:visual effects, 3D character, animation, computer-generated environment, digital compositing

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