
Z zdravjem povezan vedenjski slog dijakinj z gibalno oviranostjo
ID Plemeniti, Mojca (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7155/ This link opens in a new window

Vedenjski slog predstavlja vedenje posameznika, ki omogoča ohranjanje in krepitev zdravja. Najpomembnejši dejavniki, ki ga oblikujejo, so zdrava prehrana, redna telesna dejavnost, ustrezno duševno zdravje, zadostna količina spanja ter ustrezno življenjsko okolje. Pomembno je, da se posameznik izogiba dejavnikom tveganja, kot so kajenje, prekomerno uživanje alkohola in prekomerno sedenje. V uvodu magistrskega dela so predstavljeni pojmi, povezani s posebnimi potrebami. Definirali smo gibalno oviranost in cerebralno paralizo, saj jo imajo štiri od petih intervjuvanih deklet. V nadaljevanju smo navedli nekaj značilnosti mladostništva, nato pa smo definirali zdrav vedenjski slog, njegove varovalne dejavnike in dejavnike tveganja. V empiričnem delu smo odgovorili na zastavljena raziskovalna vprašanja ter predstavili rezultate petih poglobljenih intervjujev z dijakinjami, ki se šolajo v eni izmed specializiranih ustanov, kjer se izvaja Prilagojen izobraževalni program srednjega poklicnega (SSI) in poklicno-tehniškega izobraževanja (PTI) za gibalno ovirane. Intervju smo zasnovali s pomočjo vprašalnika CINDI (Z zdravjem povezan vedenjski slog 2020). S tehniko pretežno kvalitativne analize smo na podlagi poglobljenih odgovorov analizirali in opisali vedenjski slog dijakinj. Ugotovili smo, da imajo dijakinje po večini razvite navade, ki ustrezno vplivajo na njihovo zdravje. Z ugotovitvijo, kateri so tisti dejavniki tveganja, ki pri teh dekletih najbolj izstopajo, smo lahko izdelali določena priporočila, kako izboljšati njihov vedenjski slog.

Keywords:zdrav vedenjski slog
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136112 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:104547843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Health-related behavioural styles of female secondary school students with physical disabilities
Behavioural style represents the behaviour of an individual that enables the maintenance and enhancement of health. The most important factors that shape it are a healthy diet, regular physical activity, proper mental health, adequate quantity of sleep and a proper living environment. It is important that the individual avoids risk factors such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and excessive sitting. In the introduction to the master's thesis, concepts related to special needs are presented. We defined mobility impairment and cerebral palsy as four of the five girls interviewed have it. The following are some characteristics of adolescence, and then we defined a healthy behavioural style, its protective factors, and risk factors. In the empirical part, we answered the research questions asked and presented the results of five in-depth interviews with female secondary school students studying in one of the specialized institutions where the Adapted Vocational Secondary Education (VSE) and Vocational-Technical Secondary Education Programme (VTSE) for the Physically Disabled is implemented. The interview was designed using the CINDI questionnaire (Health-related Behavioural Style 2020). Using the technique of predominantly qualitative analysis, we analysed and described the behavioural styles of female secondary school students on the basis of in-depth answers. We found that female secondary school students mostly have developed habits that adequately affect their health. By identifying which are the risk factors that stand out the most with these girls, we were able to make certain recommendations on how to improve their behavioural styles.

Keywords:healthy behavioural style

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