
Izkušnje in stališča učiteljev matematike in fizike do medpredmetnega povezovanja
ID Dejak, Ana (Author), ID Valenčič Zuljan, Milena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Plešec Gasparič, Romina (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7152/ This link opens in a new window

Medpredmetno povezovanje je povezovanje različnih vsebin in ciljev posameznih predmetov med seboj. Obravnava izbranih tem mora biti čim bolj celostna in predstavljena z več različnih vidikov, tako da jo razumejo vsi. To vsekakor ni preprosto, zato morajo biti učitelji za izvajanje medpredmetnega poučevanja primerno usposobljeni in predvsem pripravljeni na tak način dela. Medpredmetno povezovanje lahko izvedemo na več načinov, pri čemer je pomembno, da se med seboj prepletata teorija in praksa. Skozi medpredmetno povezovanje naj bi učenci pridobili novo znanje z različnih področij. Učiteljeva naloga je usmerjati in pritegniti učence k delu. Učenci skozi medpredmetno povezovanje samostojno spoznavajo in usvajajo nove učne cilje. Raziskave kažejo, da učitelji medpredmetnega povezovanja ne izvajajo pogosto, kot razloge pa v večini navajajo pomanjkanje literature in znanja. V teoretičnem delu sem opisala zgodovinski pregled medpredmetnega povezovanja in ga opredelila kot pojem. Navedla sem glavne značilnosti in opisala vlogo učitelja in učenca v medpredmetnem poučevanju ter opredelila, kakšen je učiteljev profesionalni razvoj skozi izvajanje medpredmetnega povezovanja. Nato sem navedla in opisala modele in strategije medpredmetnega povezovanja ter njegove prednosti in ovire. Za konec sem pregledala učni načrt matematike in fizike ter opredelila možne povezave med predmetoma, saj sem se v teoretičnem delu osredotočila na medpredmetno povezovanje matematike in fizike z ostalimi predmeti. V empiričnem delu sem izvedla kvalitativno raziskavo, s katero sem želela pridobiti boljši vpogled v izkušnje in stališča učiteljev matematike in fizike v zvezi z medpredmetnim povezovanjem. V ospredje sem izpostavila štiri vidike: pogostost izvajanja, izkušnje učiteljev, stališča in teme, ki so po mnenju učiteljev najprimernejše za povezovanje. Skozi raziskavo sem poskušala ugotoviti, kakšne so izkušnje in stališča učiteljev matematike in fizike do medpredmetnega povezovanja. Z izvedbo intervjujev sem v raziskavo vključila 10 učiteljev matematike in fizike. Ugotovila sem, da učitelji medpredmetnega povezovanja ne izvajajo pogosto in bi si ga želeli izvajati pogosteje. Kot razlog v večini navajajo pomanjkanje časa. Kadar medpredmetno povezovanje izvajajo, se zanj odločajo predvsem zato, da učencem pokažejo uporabnost predmeta v vsakdanjem življenju in da se skozi tak način poučevanja učenci naučijo čim več. V oporo so jim najpogosteje predvsem tisti, ki poučujejo enak ali vsaj podoben predmet. Učitelji imajo z medpredmetnim povezovanjem pozitivne izkušnje. Menijo, da skozi medpredmetno povezovanje veliko pridobijo učitelji, še več pa učenci. Tako učenci kot učitelji pridobijo nova znanja in spretnosti ter izboljšajo sodelovanje med sodelavci oziroma sošolci. Vsekakor učitelji naletijo tudi na ovire, najpogosteje navajajo nezainteresiranost sodelavcev za sodelovanje in časovne omejitve. Kljub temu jih večina meni, da je prednost medpredmetnega povezovanja v tem, da učence motivira in so bolj zainteresirani za delo in učenje. Za konec so učitelji našteli kar nekaj uporabnih vsebinskih medpredmetnih povezav, ki se jim zdijo smiselne in jih izvajajo, ter mi opisali po vsaj en primer dobre prakse.

Keywords:medpredmetno povezovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136062 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:104230915 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.05.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Experiences and opinions of mathematics and physics teachers regarding cross-curricular integration
Cross-curricular integration is the integration of different contents and objectives of individual subjects. Selected topics must be discussed comprehensively and presented from as many different aspects as possible, so they can be understood by all. That is not an easy thing to do, so teachers must be properly qualified for implementing cross-curricular teaching and, above all, willing to teach that way. Cross-curricular integration can be carried out in many ways, but the most important thing is that theory and practice are intertwined. Through cross-curricular integration students are to gain new knowledge from different areas. It is the teacher's role to guide the students and motivate them to work. Through cross-curricular integration the students learn about and meet new learning objectives on their own. Research shows that teachers do not often implement cross-curricular integration; the main reasons are said to be a lack of literature and of knowledge. The theoretical section gives a historical overview of cross-curricular integration and its definition. It mentions its main characteristics, describes the role of the teacher and the student in cross-curricular teaching, and defines the teacher's professional development through the implementation of cross-curricular integration. Then, it mentions and describes the models and strategies of cross-curricular integration, as well as its advantages and barriers. Lastly, I reviewed the Mathematics and Physics curricula and defined potential links between the two subjects, as the theoretical section focused on the cross-curricular integration between Mathematics and Physics with other subjects. Qualitative research was conducted in the empirical section to get a better insight into the experiences and opinions of Mathematics and Physics teachers regarding cross-curricular integration. Four aspects were placed at the forefront: the frequency of implementation; the teachers' experiences; their opinions; and the topics teachers consider the most appropriate for integration. Through the research I attempted to determine the experiences and opinions of Mathematics and Physics teachers regarding cross-curricular integration. By conducting interviews, I involved 10 Mathematics and Physics teachers in the survey. It has been determined that teachers do not carry out cross-curricular integration often and that they would like to do so more often. Most of them mentioned lack of time as the reason for that. When they do carry out cross-curricular integration, they do so mainly to show the students how the subject can be applied in everyday life, so the students can get the most out of this teaching method. They usually rely on those who teach the same subject or at least a similar one. Teachers have positive experiences with cross-curricular integration. They believe that teachers have much to gain through cross-curricular integration and the students even more so. The students and teachers alike gain new knowledge and skills, and improve cooperation among fellow teachers or classmates. The teachers also encounter barriers, most often a lack of interest among fellow teachers in collaborating, and a shortage of time. Regardless, most teachers feel that the advantage of cross-curricular integration lies in motivating the students and increasing their interest in working and learning. At the end, the teachers enumerated quite a few useful cross-curricular links which they find sensible and which they implement; each of them also described at least one example of good practice.

Keywords:cross-curricular integration

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