
Uporaba robotike pri oskrbi pacientov z demenco v domačem okolju : diplomsko delo
ID Knez, Jana (Author), ID Milavec Kapun, Marija (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Drnovšek, Rok (Comentor), ID Sotler, Robert (Reviewer)

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Uvod: S staranjem prebivalstva se pričakuje porast števila oseb z demenco. Demenca ne prizadene le pacientov, ampak tudi družinske člane, ki za njih skrbijo. Vključevanje umetne inteligence in robotike v oskrbo oseb z demenco ima lahko pozitivne učinke, saj bi lahko roboti zmanjšali obremenitev medicinskih sester, kar bi pomagalo izboljšati kakovost in učinkovitost oskrbe pacientov. Robote v zdravstveni negi delimo na pomočnike in socialne robote. Socialni roboti nudijo podporo osebam z demenco pri opravljanju vsakodnevnih dejavnostih doma ali v instituciji. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti možnosti uporabe robotov v zdravstveni negi pacientov z demenco. Preučiti, kako lahko robotika v vsakodnevni oskrbi pripomore k boljšemu počutju, boljši komunikaciji in večji samostojnosti pri pacientih z demenco v domačem okolju. Cilj diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, na katerih področjih zdravstvene nege pacientov z demenco v domačem okolju lahko vključimo robote. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela. Narejen je bil pregled znanstvene in strokovne literature v angleškem jeziku, na temo demence, robotike in vloge robotov pri oskrbi pacientov z demenco. Uporabili smo ključne besede dementia, alzheimers, cognitive impariment, memory loss, nursing robot in robotics. Iskanje literature je potekalo v obdobju od oktobra do decembra 2021 v podatkovni bazi CINAHL in brskalniku PubMed. V analizo smo vključili 15 člankov, ki so ustrezali vključitvenim in izključitvenim kriterijem. Rezultati: Socialni roboti, kot so MARIO, Paro, NEO, Jack in Sophie in Pepper nudijo pomoč pacientom z demenco pri zadovoljevanju potreb in kogniciji. Roboti lahko izboljšujejo angažiranost, spodbujajo paciente h komunikaciji, izboljšujejo spomin, zmanjšujejo depresijo, stres, tesnobo, agresijo in anksioznost. Socialni roboti dajejo osebi občutek, da ni osamljena, dvigujejo razpoloženje, pozitivno vplivajo na družinske stike in nudijo kognitivni trening. Razprava in zaključek: Na področju oskrbe pacientov z demenco že obstajajo socialni roboti, ki bi lahko pomagali pacientom pri zagotavljanju boljše kognicije in zadovoljevanju psihosocialnih potreb, s podporo pri povečanju angažiranosti, komunikaciji, preprečevanju depresije, stresa, anksioznosti in zmanjševanju osamljenosti. Glede na rezultate pregleda literature predlagamo bolj poglobljeno raziskovanje na področju uporabe robotike pri oskrbi pacientov z demenco. Ob tem je potrebno opredeliti vloge, ki bi jih imeli roboti in kako bi se jih lahko vključevalo v oskrbo pacientov.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, kognitivni upad, medicinske sestre, roboti, psihosocialne potrebe, samostojnost pacientov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Knez]
Number of pages:28 str., [6] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-136030 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:104228099 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Use of robotics in the care of patients with dementia in the home environment : diploma work
Introduction: As the population ages, an increased number of people with dementia can be expected in the future. Dementia affects not only patients but also the family members who care for them. Integrating artificial intelligence and robotics into nursing care would have important implications, as robots could reduce the burden on nurses by assisting with day-to-day activities, helping to improve the quality and efficiency of patient care. Robots in nursing are divided into assistants and social robots. Social robots provide care and support to people with dementia in performing daily activities at home or in an institution. Purpose: The purpose of diploma work is to present the possibilities of using robots in the nursing care of patients with dementia. To study how robotics in daily care can contribute to better well-being, better communication and greater independence in a patient with dementia in the home environment. The aim of the diploma work is to determine in which areas of nursing care of patients with dementia in the home environment we can include robots. Methods: We used a descriptive method of work. A review of scientific and professional literature in English was made on the topic of dementia, robotics, and the role of robots in the care of patients with dementia. We used the keywords dementia, Alzheimers, cognitive impairment, memory loss, nursing robot, and robotics. The literature search took place between October and December 2021 in the CINAHL database and the PubMed browser. We included 15 articles in the analysis that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Social robots such as MARIO, Paro, NEO, Jack and Sophie, and Pepper offer help to patients with dementia in meeting needs and cognition. Robots can improve engagement, encourage patients to communicate, improve memory, reduce depression, stress, anxiety, aggression, and anxiety. Social robots give a person the feeling of not being lonely, lift their mood, have a positive effect on family contacts, and offer cognitive training. Discussion and conclusion: In care for patients with dementia, social robots already exist that could help patients provide better cognition and meet psychosocial needs fulfillment, by supporting increased engagement, communication, preventing depression, stress, anxiety, and preventing loneliness. According to the results of the research, we advise more detailed research in the field of robotics in the care of patients with dementia. At the same time, it is necessary to define the roles that robots would have and how they could be included in patient care.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, cognitive impairment, nurses, robots, psychosocial needs, patient independence

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