In this master's thesis I listed and analyzed various options for drainage and treatment of wastewater in the area of the local community Blagovna. The local community of Blagovna is located in the northwestern part of the municipality of Šentjur near Celje and includes the settlements of Proseniško, Goričica, Cerovec, Repno, Zlateče near Šentjur, Dole near Šentjur and Primož near Šentjur. The sewerage system for wastewater drainage is partially established only in the settlement of Proseniško, where it ends with a small treatment plant. Other settlements in the local community do not yet have a regulated public sewerage system for wastewater disposal. The whole area of the local community is becoming more and more interesting in terms of tourism and increased immigration to the above-mentioned settlements. Therefore, one of important goals of the local community and the municipality of Šentjur is to establish a modern and efficient sewerage system that will be able to effectively collect and treat wastewater from the entire area of the local community Blagovna. In the thesis, I present three possible variants of wastewater disposal. In the first variant, such a possibility of wastewater draining is presented, in which a treatment plant would be built in each particular settlement. In the second variant, such a solution is presented in which a collective treatment plant would be built for all settlements in the local community. In the third variant is presented a solution in which all wastewater from settlements in the local community of Blagovna would be drained through the existing sewerage network which ends with a central treatment plant in Šentjur. After a comparative analysis done among all three options in terms of investment costs and the most optimal operation was there chosen by me the third variant as the most appropriate for a more detailed discussion. In the planned implementation process for the third variant of the solutions, were there in addition to the classical methods of construction of sewerage systems, especially for work on certain construction demanding land sections, included also some special technologies executing construction without excavations. With using of such technologies we significantly reduce – both - construction costs and the impacts of construction onto environment and surroundings on certain parts of the sewerage system route. At the end of the thesis I prepared three different implementation options for the third variant solution. For all three implementation options I made also financial analyzes with which I evaluated the anticipated investment costs. There was also made a comparative analysis for all three implementation options, with which I chose the technically most appropriate variant, which is also favorable in terms of investment and operating costs.