
Odnos bodočih vzgojiteljev in vzgojiteljic do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi
ID Ojsteršek, Ana Marija (Author), ID Batistič Zorec, Marcela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Mlinar, Karmen (Comentor)

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7140/ This link opens in a new window

Diplomsko delo Odnos bodočih vzgojiteljev in vzgojiteljic do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi preučuje odnos študentov predšolske vzgoje do islama in njegovih pripadnikov. V teoretičnem delu najprej predstavim islam, njegove značilnosti in njegov pomen v Sloveniji. V nadaljevanju se osredotočim na stereotipe, predsodke in diskriminacijo pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi ter na islamofobijo. Sledi poglavje o islamu in muslimanih v vzgojno-izobraževalnem prostoru. Pri zakonskih podlagah vrtca poskušam izpostaviti tiste dele, ki omenjajo islam in njegove pripadnike. Na podlagi evropskih raziskav predstavim odnos pedagoških delavcev do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi, kako se kažejo predsodki in stereotipi do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi, ki so vključeni v vzgojno izobraževalni prostor, in predlagam, kako se soočiti z negativnim odnosom v vzgojno-izobraževalnem prostoru. Izsledki tujih raziskav so različni, a vendar zaskrbljujoči, v Sloveniji pa jih primanjkuje oz. jih sploh ni. Raziskav na področju predšolske vzgoje o tej problematiki pa sploh nisem našla. Zato sem izvedla raziskavo, s katero sem ugotavljala: s čim bodoči vzgojitelji asociirajo islam; ali bi v primeru možnosti izbire v svojo skupino sprejeli otroka islamske veroizpovedi; kakšne osebnostne značilnosti pripisujejo pripadnikom islamske veroizpovedi; kakšna občutja jih spremljajo do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi in ali imajo predsodke oziroma stereotipe do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi. Dobljeni rezultati kažejo, da bodoči vzgojitelji islam najpogosteje asociirajo z osnovnimi pojmi o islamu in da bi ob možnosti izbire v svoj oddelek sprejeli otroka islamske veroizpovedi. Bodoči vzgojitelji pripadnikom islamske veroizpovedi večinoma pripisujejo pozitivne osebnostne lastnosti, spremljajo jih pozitivna občutja do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi. Večina anketirancev ni izrazila predsodkov in stereotipov do pripadnikov islamske veroizpovedi. V raziskavi pa smo ugotovili, da je bil pri mnogih anketnih vprašanjih precej visok delež neopredeljenih, kar bi lahko pomenilo nezadostno poznavanje problematike, lahko pa tudi težnjo k izbiri družbeno bolj sprejemljivega odgovora oz. izogibanje izražanja svojega negativnega odnosa do muslimanov in islama.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135875 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:102796291 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.04.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of future preschool teachers towards muslims
My diploma thesis, Attitudes of Future Preschool Teachers towards Muslims, examines the attitudes of preschool education students towards Islam and Muslims. In the theoretical part, I first introduce Islam, its characteristics, and its importance in Slovenia. I then focus on stereotypes, prejudices, and discrimination against members of the Islamic religion, and Islamophobia. This is followed by a chapter on Islam and Muslims in the field of education. In the preschool legislation, I try to highlight the parts that mention Islam and its followers. Based on various European studies, I present teachers’ attitudes towards members of the Islamic religion, show how prejudices and stereotypes towards them are manifested in educational institutions, and finally make suggestions on how to deal with negative attitudes in the educational process. . The results of studies abroad are varied, but mostly worrying, and in Slovenia we have found almost no such studies. However, I did not find any studies on this topic in the field of preschool education. Therefore, in this study I wanted to find out: what associations future preschool teachers have with Islam; whether they would include a Muslim child in their class if they had the choice; what personality traits they attribute to members of the Islamic religion; what they feel towards members of the Islamic religion; and whether they have any prejudices or stereotypes towards them. The results show that preschool education students most often associate Islam with the basic concepts of Islam and that if they had a choice, they would accept the Muslim child in their class. They mostly attribute positive personality traits to Muslims accompanied by positive feelings towards them. The majority of the respondents did not express prejudices and stereotypes towards Muslims. In our study, we found that many questions had a rather high percentage of undecideds, which could indicate insufficient knowledge of the problem, but also a tendency to choose a more socially acceptable answer or to avoid expressing their negative attitude towards Muslims and Islam.


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