
"Humane and market-oriented" : an explication of the Western, humane, market-oriented concept of international exploitation in the international co-operation between the rich and the poor
ID Kivimäki, Timo (Author)

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The article discusses the market-oriented logic and the concept of distributive justice and tries to relate them with theories of exploitation. The author develops a humane, market-oriented concept implicitly expressed in the discourse of moderate liberal economic exchange. The conclusions this deductive study has attempted to bring forward are important. One is that distributional issues still have relevance in Western debate on North-South relations. Further, to sustain the fair distribution of benefits in North-South co-operation does not mean that the realities of market forces are ignored; yet the principle of equal opportunities must be brought to the core of North-South co-operation if the Western, market-oriented ethics of international relations is to become just and humane.

Keywords:distributive justice, ethics of international relations, international political economy, international exploitation, theories of exploitation, market
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Number of pages:Str. 202-220, 298, 301
Numbering:Vol. 4, no. 3
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135777 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1408-6980
COBISS.SI-ID:117044736 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:30.03.2022
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Journal of international relations and development
Shortened title:J. int. relat. & dev.
Publisher:Springer Nature
COBISS.SI-ID:76065792 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:"Human in tržno naravnan"
Članek proučuje in pojasnjuje tržno naravnano logiko in koncept distributivne pravičnosti glede na druge teorije izkoriščanja. Avtor razvije human, tržno naravnan koncept izkoriščanja, ki je implicitno izražen v diskurzu zmerne liberalne gospodarske menjave. Takšna deduktivna študija prinaša nekaj pomembnih sklepov. Eden med njimi je, da so vprašanja distribucije še vedno relevantna za zahodno razpravo o odnosih med Severom in Jugom. Avtor tudi ugotavlja, da nadzor nad pravičnostjo (poštenostjo) v razporeditvi koristi, ki izhajajo iz sodelovanja med Severom in Jugom, še ne pomeni ignoriranja realnosti tržnih zakonitosti; vendar pa mora v procesih sodelovanja med Severom in Jugom veljati načelo enakih priložnosti, če naj zahodna, tržno- naravnana etika mednarodnih odnosov postane pravična in humana.

Keywords:distributivna pravičnost, etika mednarodnih odnosov, mednarodna politična ekonomija, mednarodno izkoriščanje, teorije izkoriščanja, trg

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