
Razvoj in karakterizacija prenosljive merilne naprave za zajem transmisije in fluorescence rastlinskih olj
ID REMC, PRIMOŽ (Author), ID Bürmen, Miran (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Naglič, Peter (Comentor)

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V magistrskem delu smo se osredotočili na razvoj in izdelavo prenosljive merilne naprave za zajem transmisije in fluorescence rastlinskih olj v bližnje-ultravijoličnem in vidnem področju spektra svetlobe. Pri razvoju in izdelavi merilne naprave smo poseben poudarek namenili ponovljivosti meritev. Slednjo smo primerjali s ponovljivostjo profesionalne laboratorijske opremo, pri čemer smo ugotovili, da naša prototipna merilna naprava dosega boljšo ponovljivost meritev. V nadaljevanju smo merilno napravo preizkusili na različnih vzorcih rastlinskih olj, in sicer na ekstra deviškem oljčnem olju (EDOO), rafiniranem oljčnem olju (ROO) in rafiniranem sončničnem olju (RSO). Na osnovi ponovljivosti in analize meritev rastlinskih olj smo se prepričali o prednostih in slabostih razvite naprave, ter predlagali možne nadgradnje. V okviru magistrskega dela smo izvedli različne eksperimente z rastlinskimi olji, pri katerih smo olja v nadzorovanih okoljih termično obdelali ali obsevali s svetlobo. Analiza meritev transmisije in fluorescence termično obdelanih olj, je pokazala, da se kemična sestava ROO spremeni pri nižjih temperaturah (< 160 °C, čas < 20 min) kot kemična sestava EDOO (< 180 °C, čas < 20 min). Pri obsevanju EDOO z vidno in ultravijolično svetlobo smo ugotovili, da spremembo v kemični sestavi povzroča izključno ultravijolična svetloba. Še posebej izrazit vpliv na spremembo sestave EDOO je imelo obsevanje s sončno svetlobo. Prepričali smo se tudi, da za čase krajše od 30 ur originalna steklena embalaža nudi dobro zaščito EDOO pred vplivom ultravijolične svetlobe. Na koncu smo proučevali tudi mešanice EDOO in RSO. Analiza meritev oljnih mešanic je pokazala, da z merilno napravo lahko zaznamo že nekaj odstotkov RSO v EDOO.

Keywords:prenosljiva merilna naprava za zajem transmisije in fluorescence rastlinskih olj, transmisija, fluorescenca, rastlinska olja, ekstra deviško oljčno olje, 3D tisk, metoda glavnih osi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135650 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:103978243 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.03.2022
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Title:Development and characterization of a portable system for transmittance and fluorescence measurements of vegetable oils
In this master's thesis, we focused on the development and manufacture of a portable measuring device for capturing transmission and fluorescence in near-ultraviolet and visible regions of the light spectrum. During the development and manufacture of the measuring device, special emphasis was placed on the repeatability of measurements. We compared the repeatability of the developed device to the repeatability of a professional laboratory setup, and found that our prototype measuring device achieves higher repeatability. Next, we tested the measuring device on different samples of vegetable oils, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), refined olive oil (ROO) and refined sunflower oil (RSO). Based on the repeatability and measurement analysis of the vegetable oils, we discovered the advantages and the disadvantages of the developed device, and suggested possible upgrades. As a part of the master's thesis, we performed various experiments with vegetable oils, in which oils were thermally processed or irradiated with light in controlled environments. The analysis of transmission and fluorescence measurements of heat-treated oils showed that the chemical composition of the ROO changes at lower temperatures (< 160 °C, time < 20 min) than the chemical composition of the EVOO (< 180 °C, time < 20 min). By irradiating the EVOO with visible and ultraviolet light, we found that the change in chemical composition is caused exclusively by ultraviolet light. Irradiation with sunlight had a particularly pronounced effect on change in the composition of the EVOO. We proved that for a shorter period of time than 30 hours, the original glass packaging offers good protection from ultraviolet light for the EVOO. Finally, we studied the mixtures of the EVOO and RSO. The mesurement analysis of of oil mixtures showed that the measuring device can detect a few percent of RSO mixed in the EVOO.

Keywords:portable measuring device for capturing transmission and fluorescence of vegetable oils, transmission, fluorescence, vegetable oils, extra virgin olive oil, 3D printing, PCA method

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