
Podobe odsotnih prisotnosti: fotografije v diskurzu o smrti v (izbranih) besedilih Tabucchija
ID Žnidar, Iris (Author), ID Farinelli, Patrizia (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Predmet raziskave magistrskega dela je prisotnost fotografije in njena analogija s smrtjo ter odsotnostjo v literarnih delih Antonia Tabucchija. Analizirali smo tri Tabucchijeva dela: pripoved, “I pomeriggi del sabato”, in dva kratka romana, Notturno indiano (Indijski nokturno) ter Il filo dell'orizzonte. Analizo smo izvedli na podlagi dveh esejističnih del, Camera lucida: Zapiski o fotografiji Rolanda Barthesa in zbirki esejev, O fotografiji Susan Sontag, poleg tega pa smo naknadno v analizo vključili tudi ugotovitve nekaterih teoretskih del na temo prisotnosti fotografije v Tabucchijevi prozi. Povezava med smrtjo in fotografijo se v tekstih kaže na različne načine, med njimi najbolj izstopajo same fotografije kot predmeti s simboličnim pomenom, ki prikazujejo obraze preminulih bližnjih ali pa grozljive posnetke “smrti”, denimo trupel in ljudi tik pred smrtjo. Tabucchijeve fotografije pa imajo tudi drugačne funkcije, so medij skozi katerega se izrazijo različne tematike njegovih del, kot na primer problem reprezentacije realnosti, pluralizem realnosti in podobno. Poleg tega določeni Tabucchijevi liki prevzamejo vlogo fotografa. Nenazadnje je pisateljev slog zaznamovan z uporabo fotografske terminologije pri opisih ambienta in z uporabo fotografskega koncepta punctum pri pisanju.

Keywords:Antonio Tabucchi, Roland Barthes, fotografija v književnosti, smrt, odsotnost.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135568 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.03.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Images of absent presence: photographs in the discourse on death in (selected) texts by Tabucchi
The subject of research in this master’s thesis is the presence of photography and its analogy with death and absence in the literary works of Antonio Tabucchi. Three of Tabucchi’s literary works have been analysed: the short story, “I pomeriggi del sabato”, and two short novels Notturno indiano (Indian Nocturne) and Il filo dell’orizzonte (The Edge of the Horizon). The analysis was carried out on the basis of two essayistic works, Camera lucida: Reflections on Photography by Roland Barthes and the On Photography collection of the essays by Susan Sontag. Additionally, we included the findings from some theoretical works on the theme of photography in Tabucchi’s prose. The connection between death and photography in the texts manifests in a variety of ways, most prominently through photographs as objects with symbolic meaning; showing the faces of deceased loved ones, or horrific images of “death”, such as corpses and people in their final moments. Tabucchi’s photographs also have other functions, in particular, they represent the medium through which different themes of his works are expressed, such as the issue of representation of reality, the pluralism of reality, etc. Furthermore, particular Tabucchi characters take on the role of the photographer. Last but not least, the writer’s style is marked by photography, by employing photographic terminology in descriptions of ambience and through use of the photographic concept of punctum in writing.

Keywords:Antonio Tabucchi, Roland Barthes, photography in literature, death, absence.

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