
Med škarjeroko in klekljeroko
ID Hudobivnik, Špela (Author), ID Peršuh, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kolekcija »MED ŠKARJEROKO IN KLEKLJEROKO« je trajnostna kolekcija, ki izpostavlja problematiko prekomernega proizvajanja oblačil in pomen ročnih tehnik danes. Namen diplomske naloge je podati potencialno rešitev za proces izdelave modne kolekcije z dodano vrednostjo. Teoretični izhodiščni točki sta izpostavitev filozofije knjige A Labor of Love (2020) in praznovanje ročnega dela v dobi tehnologije preko razstave Manus x Machina (2016). Filozofija temelji na upanju za novo obdobje, ki ponuja redefinicijo kreativnega procesa in načina izdelave izdelkov. Poudarjen je pomen razmišljanja, da so vsi materiali živi in je njihovo energijo mogoče uporabiti. Pri tem sta ključna vključevanje najdenih in recikliranih materialov ter njihova reinterpretacija. Ta kreativni premik simbolizira roka Edwarda Scissorhandsa iz fantazijske drame. Ta roka ima podaljšana orodja, ki postanejo igriva in predvsem kreativna. Druga izhodiščna točka pooseblja praznovanje ročnega dela v sklopu razstave. Trenutno je v sodobni družbi porast učenja tekstilnih ročnih tehnik vedno bolj prisoten. Kolekcija zato vključuje tekstilno tehniko klekljanja. Pomen vključevanja idrijske čipke je tudi praznovanje tradicionalne slovenske tekstilne tehnike ter prenos veščine s starejše generacije na mlajšo. Diplomska kolekcija v praktičnem delu naloge fizično interpretira razmišljanja predstavljene filozofije z vključevanjem ravnotežja med materiali iz prve in druge roke. Oblikujejo in ročno se izdelajo vzorci klekljane čipke, ki so vključeni v dekonstrukcijo rabljenih oblačil, s čimer ta dobijo nov pomen in vrednost.

Keywords:novo obdobje, redefinicija, dekonstrukcija, čipka, klekljanje, ročno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135562 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.03.2022
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Title:Between scissorhand and lacehand
The collection »BETWEEN SCISSOR HAND AND LACE MAKING HAND« is a sustainable collection that highlights the issue of overproduction of clothing and the importance of handmade techniques today. Aim of the thesis is to provide a potential solution for the process of creating a fashion collection with an added value. Starting points were the highlighting of the philosophy of the book A Labor of Love (2020) and celebration of manual labour in the age of technology through the exhibition Manus x Machina (2016). The philosophy is based on the hope for a new era that offers a redefinition of the creative process and the way products are made. It highlights the importance of thinking that all materials are alive and their energy can be used. The key to this is the integration of found, recycled materials and the reinterpretation of materials. This creative shift is symbolised by Edward Scissorhand's hand from the fantasy drama. The hand has extended tools that become playful and, above all, creative. The second point of departure is embodied by the celebration of handicrafts in the exhibition. Currently, the learning of textile handicraft techniques is on the rise in modern society. The collection therefore incorporates the textile technique of lacemaking. The importance of including Idrija lace is also to celebrate the traditional Slovenian textile technique and to pass on the skill from the older generation to the younger. In the practical part of the thesis, the graduation collection physically interprets the reflections of the philosophy presented by incorporating a balance between first-hand and second-hand materials. Designed and handmade lace patterns are incorporated into the de-construction of second-hand garments, which have been given new meaning and value.

Keywords:newera, redefinition, de-construction, lace, lacemaking, hand craft

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