The use of technology in education for educational purposes has advanced greatly over time. From small clay tablets, all the way to interactive whiteboards, which, in addition to writing and erasing, also enable multidimensional learning. By its nature, teaching is a social event in which not only the given content is important, but also the interpersonal relationships that are created during the teaching. For learning, quality social interaction is crucial, but it is difficult for the teacher to create and maintain good interaction if he has to spend most of his time with his back to the students, due to the constant erasing of the board. Research has shown that many teachers use only basic functions of interactive tables, or do not use them at all due to the lack of education on their proper use. Also, the interactive whiteboard is quite a financial burden for many educational institutions, so it is less widespread than it could be.
The aim of my thesis is to design improvements of the classic whiteboard, which are more affordable than interactive whiteboards and offer improvements for all the shortcomings listed above. My smartboard enables teachers to teach better, as it shortens time that they spend with their back turned to the students and allows them to have a better social interaction with students.
I achieved the set goal by implementing a mechanism capable of moving in two axes, on which a pen and a wiping sponge are attached. The mechanism is controlled by a PlanetCNC controller, which controls the stepper motors of the axis and is connected to a Raspberry Pi microcomputer.
The mechanism can be controlled via a mobile phone application made in the MIT App Inventor software environment. The application allows you to write on the board, delete the entire board or delete selected parts of the board.