
Vpliv sestave vina na senzorično zaznavo
ID Terčelj Schweizer, Tilen (Author), ID Košmerl, Tatjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrska naloga obravnava tematiko vpliva sestave vina na percepcijo senzoričnih lastnosti vina. Namen naloge je bil pokazati, kakšen vpliv imajo sestavine vina na to, kako vino dojemamo in kakšen je razvoj okusa ter zaznav oziroma občutkov dveh vzorcev vina, belega in rdečega. S pomočjo delavnice, namenjene razlikovanju med strukturo in teksturo vina, smo s tremi različnimi senzoričnimi metodami – trenutno prevladujoča zaznava (TPZ), »označi vse, kar ustreza« (CATA) in 9-točkovno hedonsko lestvico – dobili rezultate, ki na praktičen način prikazujejo tisto, kar smo v teoretičnem delu naloge predstavili. Glavna dognanja so, da je zaznavanje strukture in teksture vina povezano s časom. V prvih 45 sekundah okušanja se izrazijo strukturni gradniki vina, torej senzorični atributi okusa. V našem primeru so bili to sladkost, kislost in grenkoba. Po dobrih 30 sekundah se je začela kazati tekstura vina, s hrapavostjo, oljavostjo in ostalimi opisniki teksture. Nato je sledil pookus vina, kjer je bil vzorcema skupen kovinski okus. Pri metodi CATA smo s pomočjo besednega oblaka orisali okus vina in opazili, da sta si glede na percepcijo vzorca precej podobna, kajti dva glavna opisnika obeh sta grenko in kislo. Hedonska analiza nam je razkrila splošno všečnost vzorca vina. Sestava vina ima močan vpliv na percepcijo senzoričnih lastnosti in všečnosti vina, kajti pravo sliko vina dobimo, ko njegove komponente reagirajo z notranjostjo ustne votline preskuševalca.

Keywords:vino, sestava, senzorične metode, TPZ, CATA, hedonsko ocenjevanje, zaznava
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Terčelj Schweizer]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135163 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98761219 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:25.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of wine composition on sensory perception
This master's thesis deals with the topics of the influence of wine composition on the perception of sensory properties of wine. The purpose of the thesis was to show the influence of wine components on our perception of wine and the development of its taste and perception of two samples of wine, white and red. With a workshop designed to distinguish between the structure and texture of wine, we obtained results using three different sensory methods – Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS), Check-all-that-apply (CATA) and the 9-points Hedonic scale – that demonstrate in a practical way what we presented in the theoretical part of the thesis. The main findings are that the perception of the structure and texture of wine is related to time. In the first 45 seconds of tasting, the structural building compounds of wine, i.e. sensory attributes of taste, are expressed. In our case, it was sweetness, acidity and bitterness. After about 30 seconds, the texture of the wine began to show roughness, oiliness and other texture descriptors. This was followed by an aftertaste, where the two samples had a common metallic taste. In the CATA method, we created a graphical presentation of the wine's taste, using a word cloud to outline the tastes and observed that they were quite similar in terms of sample perception, as the two main descriptors of both were bitter and acidic. Hedonic analysis revealed to us the general liking of the wine sample. The composition of wine has a strong influence on the perception of the sensory properties and liking of wine, because the true image of wine is obtained when its components react with the interior of the taster's mouth.

Keywords:wine, composition, sensory methods, TDS, CATA hedonic evaluation, perception

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