
Kontinuiteta in reforme sistema hukou v času Xi Jinpingove vladavine : diplomsko delo
ID Horvat, Nina (Author), ID Veselič, Maja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava sistem hukou v Ljudski republiki Kitajski, ki je definiran kot sistem registracije gospodinjstev ali prebivališča in je bil formalno uveden leta 1958. V maoističnem obdobju je centralna vlada omenjene republike želela omogočiti hitro industrializacijo na državni ravni. Pri tem jim je bil sistem hukou v izredno pomoč, saj je nadzoroval prerazporeditev državno subvencioniranih virov in migracije. V reformnem obdobju pa je prišlo do sprostitve nadzora nad notranjimi migracijami, saj so želeli oživiti urbanizacijo kitajskih mest in zadovoljiti potrebo po poceni delovni sili. Zaradi tega je prišlo do vse večjega preseljevanja predvsem ruralnih migrantov v urbana območja, kjer pa jim niso bile zagotovljene državne pravice in ugodnosti, ki jih je uživalo registrirano lokalno mestno prebivalstvo. Ta težava se v večji meri nadaljuje tudi v obdobju vladavine Xi Jinpinga, ki je v ospredje postavila gospodarsko rast Kitajske. S tem je postala urbanizacija še pomembnejša, vendar osredotočena na manjša mesta, ki ne nudijo kakovostnejšega življenja. Ruralni migranti so še vedno v manjvrednem položaju, ki ga izkoriščajo tako lokalne vlade kot tudi delodajalci in policija. Ruralni migranti v mestih najdejo le fizično naporna delovna mesta, ki so veliko manj plačana. Poleg tega pa morajo tako v procesu izobrazbe kot tudi pri rabi zdravstvenih storitev plačevati za dodatne stroške. Vendar ne glede na obdobje in reforme je imel sistem hukou številne posledice, ki so vidne v vseh vidikih posameznikovega življenja. Sistem hukou zato lahko razumemo kot eno od oblik institucionalne izključenosti, saj na državni ravni izključuje določeno skupino ljudi na podlagi njihove registrirane lokacije oziroma prebivališča. Na podlagi navedene literature diplomsko delo dokazuje, da se sistem hukou v času vladanja Xi Jinpinga ne namerava popolnoma ukiniti, vendar bodo prihodnje reforme bolj konkretno določile njegovo vlogo v sodobni kitajski družbi.

Keywords:sistem hukou, institucionalna izključenost, reforme hukou, Ljudska republika Kitajska
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Horvat]
Number of pages:63 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135150 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:108215043 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Continuity and reforms of the hukou system during the reign of Xi Jinping
This senior thesis examine the hukou system in People's Republic of China that is defined as a household registration system which was formally implemented in 1958. In the maoist era the central government of PRC wanted to enable fast industralization on national level. That is why they introduced the hukou system because it controlled reallocating state funded resources as well as migration. In the reform era the tight control of migration started to relax seeing that they wated to revive urbanization of chinese cities and fulfill the need for labourers. This caused the increasing nimber of mostly rural migrants migrating to urban areas. In these areas they were not provided the same civil rights and benefits as local urban population. This continued in the era of Xi Jinping's rule where the economic growth of China was put into the limelight. Urbanization became even more important but it was now focused on smaller cities which do not provide high quality life. In this way rural migrants are still in inferior position which is exploited by the local governments as well as employers and the police. Rural migrants are paid less for physically strenuous jobs, but at the same time they are forced to pay aditional fees in the process of getting education as well as using health care services. No matter the era and reforms the hukou system still has a lot of consequences which are seen in all aspects of individual's life. Hukou system is viewed as one of the forms of institutional exclusion because on a state level this system excludes certain group of people on the foundation of their registered location or household. Based on stated literature this senior thesis proves that the hukou system during the reign of Xi Jinping is not going to be abolished, however following reforms will more specifically determine the role of hukou system in the modern chinese society.

Keywords:hukou system, institucional exclusion, hukou reform, People’s Republic of China

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