
Razvijanje sporazumevalne zmožnosti pri poučevanju angleščine in ruščine za gluhe in naglušne učence : Magistrsko delo
ID Ćosić, Hana (Author), ID Javornik, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Osnovni cilj magistrskega dela je osvetliti poučevanje angleščine in ruščine za gluhe in naglušne učence v inkluzivnem razredu ter predstaviti nekaj primerov dobrih praks za vse jezikovne spretnosti – slušno in bralno razumevanje, govorno sporazumevanje, pisno sporočanje ter za slovnico in besedišče. Magistrsko delo temelji na teoriji o poučevanju gluhih in naglušnih učencev tujih jezikov, predvsem angleščine in ruščine, ki je bila v nadaljevanju preverjena na majhnem namenskem vzorcu. Namenski vzorec je bil izveden med učitelji angleščine in ruščine, ki so že poučevali gluhega in naglušnega učenca v inkluzivni učilnici. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so tudi gluhi in naglušni učenci v večini zmožni razvijanja sporazumevalne zmožnosti v angleščini in ruščini, vendar z dodatnimi prilagoditvami in ustrezno strokovno pomočjo. Učitelji angleščine in ruščine morajo razvijati vse štiri jezikovne spretnosti tujega jezika, slovnico poučevati sistematično, besedišče pa na več načinov, saj ta skupaj z govorom učencem z izgubo sluha povzročata največ težav. Ugotovljeno je bilo tudi, da se poučevanje gluhih in naglušnih učencev razlikuje glede na različne dejavnike, kar potrjuje, da so tudi gluhi in naglušni učenci zelo heterogena skupina in je zato pri poučevanju potrebno izhajati iz posameznikovih potreb. Poučevanje gluhih in naglušnih učencev tujih jezikov vsekakor predstavlja določen izziv, s katerim se učitelji v inkluzivni učilnici lahko uspešno spopadejo.

Keywords:gluhi in naglušni učenci, inkluzivno izobraževanje, sporazumevalna zmožnost, angleščina kot tuji jezik, ruščina kot tuji jezik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Ćosić]
Number of pages:VII, 146 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135096 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:99095299 This link opens in a new window
ЗАГЛАВИЕ: Развитие коммуникативной компетенции при обучении английскому и русскому языкам глухих и слабослышащих учащихся
Publication date in RUL:22.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Development of the Communicative Competence in Teaching English and Russian for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
The main goal of the master's thesis is to higlight the teaching of English and Russian for deaf and hard-of-hearing students in an inclusive classroom and to present some examples of good practice for all language skills; listening, reading, speaking, writing, grammar and vocabulary. The master's thesis is based on the theory of teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students of foreign languages, especially English and Russian, which was subsequently tested with a nonprobability purposive sampling. The nonprobability purposive sampling was conducted among English and Russian teachers who had already taught a deaf and hard-of-hearing student in an inclusive classroom. It was established that even deaf and hard-of-hearing students are mostly able to develop communication skills in English and Russian, but with additional adaptations and appropriate professional help. Teachers of English and Russian have to develop all four language skills of a foreign language, teach grammar systematically and vocabulary in several ways, as together with speech they create the most problems for students with hearing loss. At the same time, it was found that the teaching of deaf and hard-of-hearing students differs according to various factors, which confirms that deaf and hard-of-hearing students are also a very heterogeneous group and therefore teaching them has to to be based on individual needs. Certainly, teaching the deaf and hard-of-hearing foreign language is a challenge that can be tackled successfully by teachers in an inclusive classroom.

Keywords:deaf and hard-of-hearing students, inclusive education, communicative competence, English as a Second/Foreign Language, Russian as a Second/Foreign Language

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