
Preseganje eksistencialnih stisk v romanih treh francoskih avtorjev
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V magistrskem delu Preseganje eksistencialnih stisk v romanih treh francoskih avtorjev me je zanimalo, kaj protagonistom v romanih 2.999 SIT, Ljubezen traja tri leta, Francoski roman, Razširitev področja boja, Osnovni delci, Serotonin in Pridni sinko povzroča največjo eksistencialno stisko in kako le-to skušajo preseči. Z vsebinsko analizo romanov sem ugotovila, da je njihova stiska povezana z odtujenimi medosebnimi odnosi, do katerih največkrat pride zaradi spremenjene družbene realnosti, značilne za potrošniško družbo; to bistveno definirajo naraščajoči individualizem, egoizem, emancipacija in spolna osvoboditev žensk, rahljanje moralnih norm, preobilje izbire, na videz brezmejna svoboda, hlastanje za užitkom in napačno razumevanje sreče. Vsi omenjeni pojavi protagonistom preprečujejo, da bi svoje stiske razrešili, zato jih večina namesto tega raje beži v alkohol, droge, spolnost, čustveno otopelost in depresijo. Nekateri med njimi vseeno predstavljajo izjemo; delno v Ljubezen traja tri leta, Francoskem romanu, predvsem pa v Pridnem sinku pripovedovalci svoje eksistencialne stiske presežejo – svojim »rabljem« odpustijo in se zatečejo v bolj »zdrave« (tradicionalne) odnose in odvisnosti – branje in pisanje. Stiske, s katerimi se soočajo, jih ne strejo, ampak jim omogočijo, da postanejo boljši ljudje in umetniki, kar še posebej velja za protagonista v Brucknerjevem romanu. Podobno kakor v Osnovnih delcih in Francoskem romanu jedro bivanjske stiske tudi tukaj predstavlja pripovedovalčev odnos s starši, ker pa se zgodba odvija pred razmahom množičnega potrošništva, pripovedovalec svoje stiske veliko lažje preseže oz. so te že v osnovi drugačne od tistih, s katerimi se soočajo pripovedovalci ostalih obravnavanih romanov.

Keywords:francoska književnost, eksistencialna stiska, Frédéric Beigbeder, Michel Houellebecq, Pascal Bruckner, liberalizem, potrošništvo, ljubezen
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135084 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:95140355  This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.02.2022
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Title:Overcoming existential distress in the novels of three French authors
In the master's thesis Overcoming existential distress in the novels of three French authors, I was interested in what the protagonists in the novels 99 Francs, L’amour dure trois ans, Un roman français, Le Sens du combat, Les Particules Elementaires, Sérotonine and Un bon fils causes most existential distress and how they are trying to overcome this. Through a substantive analysis of the novels, I found that their distress is related to abandoned interpersonal relationships, of which the greatest pride is due to the changed social reality characteristic of consumer society; this is essentially defined by the growing individualism, egoism, emancipation and sexual liberation of women, the loosening of moral norms, the abundance of choice, the seemingly limitless freedom, the craving for pleasure, and the misunderstanding of happiness. All of these phenomena prevent the protagonists from resolving their distress, so most prefer to flee to alcohol, drugs, sexuality, emotional numbness, and depression instead. Some of them, however, represent an exception; partly in L’amour dure trois ans, Un roman français, and especially in the Un bon fils, the narrators overcome their existential distress - they forgive their "users" and resort to more "healthy" (traditional) relationships and addictions – reading and writing. The hardships they face do not frighten them, but allow them to become better people and artists, which is especially true of the protagonist in Bruckner’s novel. Similar to Les Particules Elementaires and Un roman français, the core of the distress of living is the narrator's relationship with his parents, but because the story takes place before the rise of mass consumerism, the narrator overcomes his distress much easier. These are already fundamentally different from those faced by the narrators of the other novels discussed.

Keywords:French literature, existential distress, Frédéric Beigbeder, Michel Houellebecq, Pascal Bruckner, liberalism, consumerism, love

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