
Sistem za snemanje in beleženje dogajanja v vozilu
ID LOBODA, NEJC (Author), ID Rozman, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V okviru diplomske naloge smo izdelali sistem za snemanje in beleženje dogajanja v vozilu. Uporabili smo majhen mikroračunalnik Raspberry Pi, na katerega smo priklopili kamero in zunanja tipala za temperaturo, pospeške, položaj, mikrofon ter tipko za izklop. Celoten sistem smo vgradili v vozilo. Podatke s tipal smo zajemali in shranjevali na spominsko SD kartico. V sistem smo vgradili vnaprej naučen model za zaznavanje ostalih vozil v prometu in s pomočjo zajetih podatkov s tipal zaznavali izredne dogodke. Te dogodke smo shranili kot zaznamke, ki kažejo na čas dogodka v videoposnetku. Sistem omogoča enostaven priklop, uporabo in spremljanje dogajanja na mobilni napravi. Delovanje celotnega sistema smo ocenili s preizkusnimi vožnjami. Ugotovili smo, da je sistem v obstoječem stanju zelo uporaben in nudi zanimive funkcionalnosti, ki se lahko v prihodnosti še nadgradijo.

Keywords:Raspberry Pi, snemanje, zaznavanje, kamera, tipala.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135047 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:98221315 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:System for recording and logging of events in vehicle
We have developed a system for recording and logging traffic events in the thesis. We used a small Raspberry Pi microcomputer to which we connected a camera and external sensors for temperature, acceleration, position, microphone and the power button. The whole system was installed in the vehicle. Sensor data was captured and stored on the SD memory card. We integrated a pre-trained model to detect other vehicles in traffic and used the captured data from the sensors to identify unusual events. We stored these events as bookmarks with the time of the event in the video. The system allows easy connection, use and monitoring of the events on the mobile device. The operation of the entire system was evaluated through test drives. We found that the system in its current state is very useful and offers interesting functionalities that can be enhanced in the future.

Keywords:Raspberry Pi, recording, detection, camera, sensors.

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