In my master's thesis I aim to analyze the speech of four Slovenian politicians - K. E., L. N., D. Ž. and T. J. I chose the above mentioned political speakers since their public appearances around the world pose great media influence. A political speaker needs to master both rhetoric and non-verbal communication that must be tailored to as specific situation. I specifically focused on the sentence flow of intonation.
Equitable adequacy is also affected by the (un) willingness to speak. Speech should be of the right speed, otherwise there might rise a misunderstanding between the speaker and the addressee. In order to support my analysis with the public opinion based on these two policies, I conducted a survey in which the respondents were asked about the quality and acceptability of the speech of all four political speakers. To make my analysis even more accurate, I used a qualitative research method and conducted an unstructured interview with all interviewees.