
Kontrola kakovosti pri manipulaciji motorja z notranjim izgorevanjem
ID ZOR, DOMINIK (Author), ID Begeš, Gaber (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Vsak izdelek, ki ga danes dobimo na trgu, je moral skozi proces načrtovanja, izdelave, preskušanja in izboljšav. Po končanih uvodnih procesih se lahko izdelek z vso tehnično dokumentacijo in skladnostjo začne prodajati na trgu. Učinkovita poslovna uspešnost vsakega dobrega izdelka se potem seveda še nadaljuje. V želji po izboljšavah in zaradi zahtev kupcev se pozneje uvede proces povratne informacije, da se kakovost izdelka lahko izpopolnjuje. Diplomsko delo predstavlja učinkovit nadzor kakovosti tehnološko dovršenega izdelka v želji zagotavljanja čim daljše življenjske dobe, predvsem v skladu s proizvajalčevimi zahtevami. Na začetku se naloga osredotoča na razumevanje podanega izdelka in njegovo uporabo. V mojem primeru je to delovni stroj motor z notranjim zgorevanjem. Minilo bo še kar nekaj časa, preden bomo lahko vsi »na poti« z električnim pogonom ali s pomočjo vodika. Da bi lahko dosegli ambiciozen cilj podnebne nevtralnosti do leta 2050, bodo alternativna goriva in maziva vsaj do takrat imela pomembno vlogo pri uporabi teh motorjev. Na začetku bom na kratko obrazložil lastnosti in funkcije motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem. Lahko omenim, da v fazi načrtovanja inženirji skonstruirajo motorje z optimalnim razmerjem glede moči, vzdržljivosti in življenjske dobe. Kupci ali uporabniki pa danes, v digitalni dobi, s pomočjo različnih tehnologij to razmerje rušijo. Najbolj poznana je manipulacija ali višanje moči in navora motorja. V nadaljevanju bom obrazložil eno izmed glavnih sestavin motorja, tj. motorno olje, ki je vključeno v vsak motor in skrbi za njegovo dolgo življenjsko dobo. Osredotočil sem se na poglobljeno analizo motornega olja in spreminjanje njegovih lastnosti. Pri tem mi je v pomoč priskočil neodvisni akreditirani laboratorij. Celotno raziskavo sem želel izpeljati po najnovejši standardizaciji in pridobiti popolnoma neodvisne rezultate. Bistvo raziskave sta podrobna laboratorijska analiza in primerjalna metoda različnih vzorcev motornih olj po določenem času uporabe. Na koncu sledi uspešno potrjena celotna analiza s sklepnimi ugotovitvami, ki temeljijo na mojih predpostavkah, da nedovoljeni posegi in manipulacija z višanjem moči in navora otežijo zagon in delovanje, porušijo razmerje za optimalno delovanje in skrajšajo življenjsko dobo motorja z notranjim zgorevanjem.

Keywords:orodja in metode za zagotavljanje kakovosti, primerjalne metode, standardizacija, predčasna analiza, manipulacija moči in navora
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-135010 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:101338371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.02.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Quality control in the manipulation of internal combustion engines
Every product available today on the market has had to go through a process of design, manufacture, testing and improvement. After the product passes all requirements, the product can be sold on the market with all the technical documentation and compliances. Of course, the effective business success of any good product continues even later. In the desire for improvements and customer requirements, a feedback process is later introduced so that we can improve the quality of the product. The diploma thesis represents an effective quality control of a technologically advanced product in order to ensure the longest possible service life, especially in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. In the beginning, the task focuses on understanding the given product and using it. In my case, this working machine is an internal combustion engine. It will take some time before we can all travel with machines on electric or hydrogen drive. In order to achieve the ambitious goal of climate neutrality by 2050, alternative fuels and lubricants will play an important role in the use of these engines, at least until then. In the beginning, I will briefly explain the properties and functions of an internal combustion engine. I can mention that in the design phase, engineers construct the optimal ratio of engines in terms of power, durability and service life. Today, however, customers or users are breaking this relationship in the digital age with the help of various technologies. The most well-known is the manipulation or increase of engine power and torque. In the following, I will explain one of the main components of motor oil, which is included in every engine and ensures long life. I focused on in-depth analysis of engine oil and changing its properties. An independent accredited laboratory came to my aid here. I wanted to conduct the entire research according to the latest standardization for completely independent results. The essence of the research was a detailed laboratory analysis and comparative method of different samples of motor oils after a time trial. Finally, a successful confirmed full analysis with conclusions on my assumption that unauthorized interventions and manipulations to increase power and torque make starting and operation more difficult, disrupt the ratio for optimal performance and shorten the life of the internal combustion engine.

Keywords:quality assurance tools and methods, comparative methods, standardization, early analysis, power and torque manipulation

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