In case of applications, that are dealing with selling, offering products or
some other content, we want to provide users with good user experience.
One of the long present ways, isby using a recommendation system, where
we can recommend content, for which we think would be interesting to the
user, based on the information we have regarding that user. With this, we
can save the user time for searching, and at the same time improve possibility
of purchase.
Diploma thesis presents an overview of some selected recommendation
systems, the process of making and implementing such systems into online
store and their testing by the developers and random users. There are several
types of recommendation systems. Each has its pros and cons.
In the scope of the diploma I researched and described as exactly as possible, which perform well in case of online store. I tested the implemented
systems according to two criteria: recommendation quality and responsiveness of the system. The best systems proved to be The most popular system
and Complementary products. To develop the online store and implement the
recommendation system I used Python programming language, web framework for web programming Django, library for machine learning Scikit-learn
and library for mathematical functions and n-dimensional tables Numpy.